Chebeague Island Council Calendar
Happy Tenth Anniversary
Chebeague Island!
#7 | July 2017
July 2017 • Issue #7 • Chebeague Island Council Calendar
On the Cover And now we are ten! The newest town in Maine celebrates its tenth anniversary this month. The Council salutes all those past and present who worked so hard to make this happen and who continue to contribute to our island community. Cheers! About the Calendar The Calendar is published monthly by the Chebeague Island Council. Available on-line at Chebeague Island News ( www.chebeague.org ) or w ww. islandcalendar.weebly.com and mailed to every occupied residence on the island, for a small additional fee, it can also be delivered by first-class mail to Island Council members who are off island at the time of publication. The Calendar welcomes submissions from its readers, including letters and thank you notes, but it cannot publish anything that is political in nature, libelous, or obscene. All submissions should include the author’s name and contact information. Without exception, the deadline for submission is noon on the 20 th day of the month preceding publication. Submissions and ad copy may be mailed (P.O. Box 12), left at the Council office (247 South Rd.), or emailed ( chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com ) and sent as attachments (.doc; no pdfs) or included in the body of the text. Images and photographs should be sent in a .jpg, .jpeg, or .rtf format. Please do not use the old email address at island.calendar@chebeague.net , as this is an inactive account. As a courtesy and space permitting, island nonprofits are given a free half page each month to publish their news. Any such submissions exceeding a half page will be charged at the usual rate. All submissions become the property of the Chebeague Island Council, which reserves the right to edit them for length and clarity. Submissions that are not time sensitive may be held until there is sufficient space to publish them. Additional information about submissions is available at www.islandcalendar.weebly.com . NEW advertising rates are as follows: full page, $70; 1/2 page, $35; 1/4 page, $20; 4-line classified, $5; 6- to 8-line classified, $10. Each submission should include the intended publication date, size wanted, and the number of months the ad should run. All ads must be paid for at the time of submission. The deadline for submissions for the August issue is noon on July 20, 2017.
Contents From the Island Council 3 Note from the CICC 4 Island Commons 5 From the Town Office 6 Chedemption News 7 CRC News 8 Marty’s Memories 9 Library News 10 CIUMC News 11 CTC Update 12 CIHS News 13 Firefighter Footnotes 13 Notices 13 Classified Ads 13 Recompense Fund 14 The Mail 14 CICA Update 15 CPA News 16 One Man’s Island 17 Directory Corrections 18 Firefighter Footnotes 18 July 4 th Events 19 July Calendar 20 Publisher Chebeague Island Council Board Members Lola Armstrong, Christine Auffant, Pam Curran, Carol Lynn Davis, Jennifer Hackel,Deb Hall, Ester Knight, Jaye-Allison Nunan, Nancy Olney, Marjorie Stratton, Ann Thaxter, and Jackie Trask Contact Us Email: chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com Phone: 207-846-4988 Mail: P.O. Box 12 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 In Person: Council Office / 247 South Rd. Graphic Design Sharkey Graphic Solutions Printing Cyber Copy
21 2 1
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come for the property ... stay for the community
Notes from the Council
It is summer on Chebeague! There are so many great events and activities going on all over the island. Council membership forms keep arriving—thank you to everyone for your support. The Council wishes everyone a safe and happy summer. Enjoy!
H E WILL BE HERE JULY 5, 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. JULY 19, 12:30 to 3:00 p.m.
The Wellness Center with Steve Baybutt, RN, Is Open for Blood Draws, Blood Pressure Checks, PT/INR Testing, Medication Setup, Flu Shots, Dressing Changes, Suture Removal, Wellness Checks, and Health Information No appointment needed. No charge for these services.
The Foot Doctor
The Foot Doctor, Dr. Rybka, is coming to Chebeague on Wednesday July 19 from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Call 829-6463 for an appointment. Walk-ins are also welcome.
Tuesday, July 11 Tuesday, July 25 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Chebeague Island Community Center Update
During the past year the Advisory Committee of the partnership formed by the Chebeague Island Hall, Council, and Library has focused on developing a framework for managing the building we share—a building that truly serves as the community hub. We have now turned our attention to addressing the preservation of the exterior of the building—tackling some long- deferred maintenance projects and, at the same time, creating a long-term plan for repairs and improvements.
steps of the Library and Charles Hall has replaced both sets of side steps to the Hall. We are also grateful to Library Board Member Shannon Adams for completing the beautiful sign gracing the lovely gardens overseen by Erin Whetham. Come join us on Sunday July 2 for the Second Annual Community Center Brunch! Launched last year to formally celebrate the newly formed Community Center Partnership, this year’s event is, again, part of Chebeague’s weekend-long celebration of July 4 th and its tenth anniversary as a town!
Speaking of repairs and improvements, we are very excited that Charlie Kuntz has repaired the back
Coming to the Hall: The Second Annual CICC Brunch! July 2 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. • Great Food! Great Cause! Great Deal! • Still just $5 per person!!!
Dr. Redmond of Casco Bay Chiropractic is coming to the Wellness Center on July 21 starting at 9:00 a.m. You can now have your chiropractic treatment here right here on the island! Call his office to schedule your appointment (829-1200), and let them know would like to be seen on the island.
Island Commons
ISLAND COMMONS Administrator, Amy Rich
132 Littlefield Road Chebeague Island, Maine 04017 Administrator, Amy Rich
From the Town Office
Office Hours— We are open Monday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Friday. As always, if you need assistance at other times, please don’t hesitate to call (846- 3148) and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. We will be closed July 4 in observance of Independence Day. Transfer Station— The Transfer Station is now open Monday and Thursday morning from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.; Wednesday and Friday afternoon from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. As always the Transfer Station is closed on Tuesday. Please remember that this is a pay-as-you-throw facility. We don’t charge for household trash, but we do charge for bulky waste that has to be transported in our construction and demolition containers. Fees are posted at the Transfer Station. There is free non-commercial disposal during Bulky Waste weekend (August 5 and 6). Bulky Trash and Hazardous Waste Weekend— We will hold our Bulky Trash and Hazardous Waste Weekend on August 5 and 6 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Please watch for posters that describe what you can bring to the Town Garage for disposal.
The Transfer Station will be open all day Wednesday July 5 for all of that July 4 th celebration trash! New! Now Accepting Credit Cards!— We are happy to announce that we can now accept credit cards as a form of payment in the Town Office. In addition to cash and checks, we will also accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover cards. The service is provided through Information Resource of Maine (InforME), which will collect a processing fee for the use of the credit card. A processing fee of $1 will be added to transactions of up to $40. For transactions over $40, the processing fee will be 2.5 percent of the total. For instance, if you use a credit card to pay your tax bill of $2,000, the processing fee would be $50. Volunteer Opportunities— We still need one more person for the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. We also have one vacancy on the Planning Board as of June 30, 2017. If you have an interest in volunteering on one of our committees, please inquire at the Town Office. Thank you for your support, and remember to be kind to one another, Marjorie E. Stratton, Town Administrator
Island Electric 846-2468 islndelt@juno.com
Repair and servicing of electric appliances, water heaters, water-pump systems, septic-pump systems, sump pumps, lamps and light fixtures. Installation and repair of electrical systems and components, including generator sales and service. Installation and repair of wiring for telephones, computers, televisions, and sound systems. Wiring of boats and marine facilities, such as docks and piers. Thanks for your business, and remember to support your local island businesses. Kim Boehm
Chedemption News
Charles W. Hal l
Below are the Chedemption assignments for July. Please sign up for a shift on behalf of your favorite nonprofit. Last year, every participating nonprofit received $615 for their week of volunteering!
June 28–July 3 Historical Society July 5–10 Council July 12–17 Recreation Center July 19–24 Sailing School July 26–31 Hall
Please take the time to sort your bottles, cans, and returnables anddeposit themin the proper and clearly marked receptacles. The Chedemption shed accepts only returnable 5-cent cans and plastic bottles and 15-cent glass or plastic liquor bottles with a “Maine deposit” label. Any other bottles, cans, or plastic containers should be placed in the dumpster reserved for recyclables.
Sweating the details since 1999
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Call us to get the most for your dollar!! We will clean and service most appliances, including gas stoves, gas fireplaces, gas dryers, water heaters, Monitors, Toyo stoves, on-demand water heaters, wall- hung systems, floor models, and—of course—all furnaces and boiler systems.
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Call us for Your Heating (Oil, Propane, Natural Gas, Solar), HVAC, and Plumbing Needs! Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. • Monday through Friday 24-Hour Emergency Service
Chebeague Recreation Center News
Chebeague Recreation Center News www.chebeaguerec.com * crc@chebeague.net * (207) 846-5068 (207) 846-5068 www.chebeaguerec.com crc@chebeague.net
Piano or String Lessons Mondays at CRC by appointment Teen Center Friday and Saturday nights 7-10 PM Yoga with Celia Beginner’s Mind (for all levels) Mon 5:30pm, Sat morning classes TBA Chebeague Island Boat Yard, Linda White, Gordon Adele & Anthony Gorody, Joan Dayton, Victoria an Bonebakker, Vail Traina, Doug & Donna Clark, Sch Linda Grant, Corky & Carly Clarke, Chuck & Linda Sally & Rich Crapser, John & Courtney Wilson, Ho & Pat Hatler, Amy & Marc Demers, Island Market, Nancy Earnest , Beverly & Stephen Johnson, Chip & Emery, Peter & Theresa Kaufman, Ray & Gladdie Elizabeth & Scott Lewis, Peter Klein, Chip & Vicki & Amanda Layng, Kyle & Benson Legg, Eldon & Be Charles & Lynn Mills, Manny Morgan & Chris Cor Lunt & Jeanne Mullen, Margie Pflaum, Malcolm & Rice, Scott & Janice Searway, Donna Simonetti, On Larry Smith, Tee Taggart & Jack Turner, Toby & St David and Sandra Wilson, Warren & Sue Bogle, Ste Melanie Jak ay and Diane McKenna-Yasek Kettlebell with Brian Schedule varies, see website A special THANK YOU to the many volu that made the CRC Summer Frolic su huge success! And a huge thank you to our event sponsors:
4 th of July!! A lobster roll and bag of chips for $15. Reserve yours today! Call: 846-8712 or email: kidsplace@chebeague.net Fun Programs at CRC Kids' Place... Open Monday-Thursday until 4:30 PM. call 846-8712 for ore information.
Pottery Mondays and Wednesdays Swim Lessons July 1-August 12 Island Trails Camps Aug 2-4 Fairies Aug 9-11 Music and Movement Aug 16-18 Pirate, Treasure Maps, Boats and Mermaids Aug 23-25 Our working Waterfront and Farms
Comedian Bob Marley is coming to CRC on July 9 th !
Pizza, concession and t-shirts on sale from 4:30-6:00 PM Show starts at 6:30 PM Tickets on sale now for $25
Session 1 dates: July 3- July 26 (8 sessions) Session 2 dates July 31- Aug 23 (8 sessions)
Boot-ay Camp with Amy Winslow Dates: June 30-July 21-M,W,F 8-8:45AM Camp Chebeague Aug 1-5, Baseball Camp Fitness with Amy Demers Dates 8/1-Labor Day-M,W,F 8-8:45 AM
Kids’ Place Open Monday-Thursday until 4:30 PM Island Trails returns this Summer!!!! Tues, Weds, and Thurs 9 to Noon
Aug 8-12, Art Camp Lunch and Swim Tues, Wed, Thurs 11:30-4:30 PM 7/7-8/11
Details for all programs including Swim Lessons, Camp Chebeague, Children’s Theater and more are on our website We have lots of fun fitness programs for adults too including yoga, Kettlebell and exercise with Barbara . Check out our website for details.
WWW .M AINE I SLAND E NERGY . COM 207.808.3222
Marty’s Memories: Large Boats and Fishing Nets by Marty Trower
With nets stretching out at a diagonal to the sea and the streaming water glistening in that early light, the large boat appeared suddenly, quite far off from where the seasonal boat moorings lie. It took me a minute to realize that this was a rare sight out in the water off Hamilton Beach these days. The boat and the dripping nets brought back the memory of a slumber party in my early teens aboard Gretchen Tonks-Hartling’s father’s boat, Armida . It was glorious to have the honor of spending the night on board that graceful black beauty of a sailboat.We didn’t sleep much, having fun talking and just being away from our parents. We must have dozed off some because I remember being blasted out of a fitful sleep into bright sunshine and a dreadfully loud droning noise beside us in the water.
We climbed up to the cockpit and remembered the nets we’d seen stretched across the cove for weeks. Now, a large boat was right up next to them, and the noise came from some great machine doing something with the fish in the nets. The men on the boat invited us on board, and silly us, receptive to anything, we climbed down in our pajamas and watched the bewildering process going on. They never explained, but I remember fish scales everywhere, stuck to the deck, our ankles, our arms. This experience was put away as other events overcame our lives, but it stayed with me. I brought up the story to Ernie Burgess recently, and he said, “Oh yes, that’s what they did. They were de-scaling the fish. They did that back then, and sold the glittering slivers for the manufacture of buttons!” Oh, wow. So neat! Long-time mystery solved. But what happened to the fish?
Summer on Chebeague
Chebeague Island Library
846-4351 phone • 846-4358 fax cheblib@hotmail.com http://chebeague.chebeague.lib.me.us/winnebago/search/search.asp
Summer Hours
NEW BOOKS Black Mad Wheel by Josh Malerman Boar Island by Nevada Barr Into the Water by Paula Hawkins
Sunday Monday Tuesday
4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Tuesday Evening 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Wednesday 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Thursday Evening 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Friday 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Note: Unfortunately, our online catalogue isn’t functioning. New acquisitions can be seen on our webpage. Please either call or email if you are looking for a book. Please like our new Facebook page!
Lost City of the Monkey God by Douglas Preston The Year of the Runaways by Sunjeev Sahota
NEW MOVIES Collateral Beauty Ugetsu Mr. Church Get Out
Need space to work or hold a meeting? The Library has two private study carrels and a small office. Call and reserve your time!
Read to the Stars! The summer reading program has begun! Join us for a journey through new galaxies of your imagination; get prizes, fill out your star passbook, and keep tuned in for special guests and events. You’re welcome whether you’re with us for the entire summer or for just a couple of weeks! Sign up at the library or by contacting us at cheblib@hotmail.com ! Save the Date: Wednesday July 12 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.: Chinese Crafts with Jen DeCristoforo Friday August 4 at 4:30 p.m.: Book launch with Wes McNair—his new collection; reception to follow Wednesday August 9 at 7:00 p.m.: Kate Kennedy talks about Maine women; reception to follow
Wednesdays for Kids! Story Time at 10:30 a.m. All ages Read Aloud Lunch for Grades 3 and up: we’ll be finishing up Navigating Early and then pick another. Bring your sandwich, and we’ll supply the lemonade!
207.846.5155 info@chebeagueislandinn.com ChebeagueIslandInn.com
- Weekly Events in July - Sunday Jazz Brunch , varying bands & artists perform live from 10:30A-2:00P Nostalgia Night is back and here to stay! Sunday Nights, 5:30-9:00PM Yoga on the lawn on Fridays and Saturdays from 8:45-9:45A, just $10 for an hour long session! Be on the lookout for these exciting NEW events coming to the inn! Fireside Chats: Sit by a warm fire with a character from the island as they share their stories over mocktails & snacks! Wine Wednesdays: Join our distributor representatives to sample our fine wines,just $0.25 a tasting glass! Your event here! Let us know what YOU would like to see at the inn, what we can do for you!
Call us to make reservations in the restaurant! • Breakfast :: 7:30-9:30A • Lunch : 11:30A-2:30P • Sunset Landing (porch only): 2:30-9:00P • Dinner : 5:30-9:00P • Brunch (Sundays only): 10:30A-2:30P
Chebeague United Methodist Church News
chebeaguechurch@chebeague.net 846-6987 Pastor Melissa: 846-4106 www.chebeagueumc.org www.facebook.com/chebeagueislandumc/ Office Hours: Thursday 9:00 a.m. to noon; Other times, by appointment
What Are You Looking for?— God is always seeking us, but sometimes, we don’t have the tools at our disposal to find God in the midst of our everyday life. If you’d like to learn more about practices that help you listen to God, contact Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail. com or 846-4106. Vacation Bible School: Hero Central!— We’re excited to offer a free Vacation Bible Camp for kids during the week of August 7 through 11, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Registration forms will soon be available on our website. To learn more, contact Cheryl Hillicoss ( i.m.imaginable@gmail.com ) or the church office. Praying Twice: Songs of Faith Summer Worship Series— “Those who sing, pray twice!” Have certain hymns or songs drawn you closer to God or been meaningful for you on your spiritual journey? Then email us your favorites for our summer worship series, and we’ll spend the summer singing and learning more about the stories around the creation of these hymns and what they have to offer for our life of faith today. We’ll also learn some new songs that may become new favorites and feature homegrown hymns written by people in our community. Summer Ice Cream Socials— Look ahead to two ice cream socials on July 22 and August 18 on the church grounds. Have fun with your friends and neighbors! More details to come. Summer Camp at Mechuwana— With our United Methodist Connection, we are blessed to have access to a wide network of camping ministries. Check out Camp Mechuwana’s and their summer brochure at http://www.mechuwana.org/summer-camps.html , or contact the church office for a copy. Scholarships are available to help send island kids to camp! Between sports camps, arts camps, Classified Ads Top Shelf Cleaning and Services: Cleaning, moving cars to and from the Stone Pier or Chandlers Wharf, snowplowing and snowblowing, and winter house watching—daily, weekly, or monthly—lawn mowing, and light tractor work. For more information, call Cindy at 207-846-1055 . Seasonal Rental at 13 Island View Rd: Fully equipped summer home with 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, and private right of way to the water; $900 per week plus a $300 security deposit. Contact Richard Bowen at rhbowen3@gmail.com or 207-831-6148. 11’ Pico sailboat: fun, fast, good condition, $1500 or best offer. Also, used windsurf board, 2 sails, $450 or best offer. Call 846-8800. Fresh-Cut, Locally Grown Flowers for Special Events: Over 30 varieties of color. Delivery by hand or to ferry. Call 650-1168. Minimum order, $200, not including delivery charges. Check out our flower photos on Facebook at Fresh Pickins Farm.
and camps for young adults (and “oldies”), there’s something for everyone this summer at Mechuwana in Winthrop. 10-Year-Anniversary Sunrise Service— C elebrate our town’s tenth anniversary with a sunrise service at 5:00 a.m. on July 1 at the boatyard. We’ll have coffee and a community art project to share our hopes and dreams regarding what the next 10 years will be for us as a community. All are welcome—rain or shine! Elmina’s Fire Book Celebration— Come to Sunday worship on July 16 at 10:00 a.m. celebrate Linda Carleton’s book Elmina’s Fire . We will hear readings and have a boom signing following worship. Jazz Worship Is Back!— Paul English will be sharing his musical gifts with us during worship on Sunday August 20 with a service full of music and singing. If you are interested in singing with the choir for this special service, contact Ben Yosua-Davis at ben.yosuadavis@gmail.com . Stained Glass Windows: Dedication Plates— Our over 100-year- old stained glass windows are badly in need of reglazing, to be done window by window starting soon. Each window has two “dedication plates” in the lower section intended for “In memory of” and “In honor of” inscriptions, but for some reason never inscribed. The Trustees have decided to offset the considerable expense of the restoration by offering congregants and regular attendees the opportunity to remember loved ones or honor others who are special to them by having a plate engraved. Contact Eldon Mayer (846-9760 or vixenskipper@gmail.com ), and fill out the form in the bulletin. Payment of $500 is due by August 15. For an up-to-date calendar of events held at the church and Parish House, please visit www.chebeagueumc.org/calendar. Notices Ladies Aid: Please join us for crafty projects and camaraderie from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. each Thursday. Catholic Mass: Father Daniel Greenleaf will be at the Chebeague United Methodist Church to celebrate Holy Mass on S aturday July 1, July 29, and August 26 at 10:00 a.m. Catholic Communion Service: A regular Catholic Communion Service will be held every Saturday at 4:00 p.m. at the church. Sew Good: Sew Good will meet July 25 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Parish House. For more information, please call Lola Armstrong (846-4737) or Karen Corson (846-0938). Alcoholics Anonymous 2017: The Chebeague Island Group of Alcoholics Anonymous will meet at the Chebeague Island Library on Wednesday and Saturday mornings at 8:00 a.m. through Labor Day weekend. Please park in the library parking lot and use the back door. For more information, call 914-980-6107.
July 2017
CTC OFFICE (207) 846-5227/846-3700 16 North Road, PO Box 27 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 chebeaguetrans@gmail.com chebeaguetrans.com If you would like to become a member provide name, address, and $40 membership fee per person to the office. Our annual member meeting will be held on Saturday July 15th at 9 AM at the Island Hall. Mailing to members will be completed by July 1st. SUCCESSFUL COAST GUARD INSPECTION Once again, the Is- lander had a success- ful annual safety inspection by the USCG! Many thanks to our crew for their work preparing for the inspection and to Matt, Amanda, and Jeremy for meeting with the Coast Guard. annual member meeting
parking permits may park at the Route One lot at any time for no additional charge. 7. Weekday Worker permits are val- id Monday – Friday until 5:30PM at the Cousins Island lot with the ex- ception of local lobstermen who may park later in the day. Weekend parking for Weekday Workers is allowed only on a space available basis. Weekday Worker permit hold- ers can park at the Route One lot nights and weekends at no addition- al charge. 8. Customers using CTC parking facilities agree to conform to the Company’s rules regarding parking polices and designated parking spac- es. 9. Daily parking at the Cousins Is- land lot for vehicles without a Cous- ins Island permit is on a space avail- able basis and subject to parking fees. 10. Parking permits must be perma- nently affixed to the lower driver’s side portion of the windshield where they are easily visible and may not be laminated or photocopied. Ex- pired CTC parking permits should be removed from the windshield. If permits are not displayed in the proper location, the vehicle could be mistaken for a non-permitted parker and ticketed or towed. 11. Parking permits are not transfer- able except in the instance when the owner has obtained a different vehi- cle. In this case the old permit must be removed and returned to the Business Office so a new permit can be issued. 12. Parking permits are non- refundable.
1. It is the responsibility of the park- ing permit holder to inform the CTC Business Office of any changes in vehicle information or residen- cy/commuter status. If residency or commuter status changes for Cous- ins Island parking permit holders, the Customer may be re-assigned to the Route One parking lot. 2 “Loaner” vehicles must be ap- proved by the Business Office. Loan- er vehicles that have not been ap- proved are subject to daily parking fees, fines, and towing. “Loaner” vehicles must be identified by plac- ing a visible note with sticker num- ber in the windshield. Loaners are allowed only when the permitted vehicle is unable to be used (e.g. under repair). Loaners are not al- lowed to enable multiple vehicles to park under a single permit number. 3.. Persons using any of CTC’s park- ing facilities do so at their own risk and indemnify and hold CTC harm- less from all liability, including lia- bility for damage or injury due to theft, vandalism, natural disasters, or from other causes. Any damages, accidents, or injuries should be re- ported to CTC Business Office imme- diately. 4. Persons who leave keys with CTC parking attendants or other staff do so at their own risk and indemnify and hold CTC harmless from all liability, including liability for dam- age or injury due to theft, vandalism, natural disasters, or from other causes. 5. Only customers with Cousins Is- land parking permits may park over- night at the Cousins Island lot with- out prior approval of CTC manage- ment. 6. Customers with Cousins Island
July Birthdays Beth Putnam - 7/24 CTC will begin having vehicles towed that are not complying with our policies - at the owner’s expense. Signs are visibly posted in both lots warning of the pos- sible towing of vehicles and providing the tele- phone number to call if a vehicle is towed. CTC’s parking policies are stated in the Terms and Conditions provid- ed with annual parking permits and shown here. All permit holders must acknowledge their responsibility to comply with them. Daily park- ing rules for both the Cousins Island and Route One lot are post- ed on signs and on the Company’s website chebeaguetrans.com. Several years ago CTC began issuing Violation Tickets for vehicles parked in the wrong area, parked with an expired parking ticket, or parked with no park- ing ticket. While this program has had some success, the abuses of our policies continue.
July 12 Lecture Series II, Ron Romano Wednesday 3:00 – 4:00 PM August 8 CIHS House Tour Tuesday 10:30 – 4:30 PM August 21 Lecture Series III, JerryWiles Monday 7:00 – 8:00 PM September 18 Lecture Series IV, Donna Damon Monday 7:00 – 8:00 PM Cap Leonard has established a Memorial lecture series entitled “EllsworthMiller Memorial Summer Lecture Series”. This is its inaugural year. The lecturers will focus on Island life. Contributions for its continuance are gratefully appreciated CIHS Presents author , Ron Romano EARLY GRAVESTONES IN SOUTHERN MAINE: The Genius of Bartlett Adams Presentation is at 3:00 PM at the Parish House. Immediately following the lecture, we will walk through the Cemetery for a closer look at gravestones. MARK YOUR CALENDAR Raffle Tickets for the Historical Quilt are on July 12 Lecture Series II, Ron Romano Wednesday 3:00 – 4:00 PM August 8 CIHS House Tour Tuesday 10:30 – 4:30 PM August 21 Lecture Series III, JerryWiles Monday 7:00 – 8:00 PM September 18 Lecture Series IV, Donna Damon Monday 7:00 – 8: 0 PM Cap Leonard has established a Memorial lecture series entitled “EllsworthMiller Memorial Summer Lecture Series”. This is its inaugural year. The lecturers will focus on Island life. Contributions for its continuance are gratefully appreciated CIH Presents author , Ron Romano EARLY GRAVESTONES IN SOUTHERN MAINE: The Genius of Bartlett Adams Presentation is at 3:00 PM at the Parish House. Immediately following the lecture, we will walk through the Cemetery for a closer look at gravestones. MARK YOUR CALENDAR
Enjoy lunchwith a view, visit eight extraordinary homes and support the Chebeague IslandHistorical Society. Tuesday, August 8 10:30-4:30 Tickets on sale at theMuseum846-5237 $25 in advance, $30 on the day of the Tour Enjoy lunchwith a view, visit eight extraordinary homes and support the Chebeague IslandHistor cal Society. Tuesday, August 8 10:30-4:30 Tickets on sale at theMuseum846-5237 $25 in advance, $30 on the day of the Tour We have a wonderful assortment of gifts in the store, so please allow time to shop after you tour our museum exhibit. The Gift Shop
The Gift Shop
We have a wonderful assortment of gifts in the store, so please allow time to shop after you tour our museum exhibit.
Raffle Tickets for the Historical Quilt are on sale now at theMuseum. The patches in this quilt date from the 1880's - 1920's, it has been restored, backed & tied. It is a rare example of turn of the century fabrics used on the Island. TheMuseum&Gift ShopHours: Mon–Sat 10:00–4:00; Su 1:00–4:00 (207) 846-5237 $ISJTUNBT 0SOBNFOUT s "SU s 7JOUBHF 5FB 5PXFMT s "QSPOT %FDPSBUJWF 4PBQT s *TMBOE .VHT s (MBTTXBSF s )JTUPSJDBM #PPLT $IJMESFO T #PPLT s 5IF Chebeague Island Calendar sale now at theMuseum. The patches in this quilt date from the 1880's - 1920's, it has been restored, backed & tied. It is a rare example of turn of the century fabrics used on the Island. TheMuseum&Gift ShopHours: Mon–Sat 10:00–4:00; Sun 1:00–4:00 (207) 846-5237 $ISJTUNBT 0SOBNFOUT s "SU s 7JOUBHF 5FB 5PXFMT s "QSPOT %FDPSBUJWF 4PBQT s *TMBOE .VHT s (MBTTXBSF s )JTUPSJDBM #PPLT $IJMESFO T #PPLT s 5IF Chebeague Island Calendar
The Recompense Fund
Come join us upstairs at the Niblic from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday July 6. Everyone attending will have the opportunity to hear new proposals from nonprofits, the school, and the town that may help sustain the island as a thriving, year-round community.
You will hear about new proposals, new opportunities, and recent accomplishments. You will be able to ask questions and learn more about the remarkable ongoing efforts on Chebeague that benefit us all. Feel free to bring friends and family with you. Just let us know you are coming and how many you are by writing to recompensefund@chebeague.net . Space is limited only by the size of the room. The Recompense Fund is Chebeague Island’s community fund, working to sustain our year-round island community through financial support to its nonprofit organizations. Visit us at www. recompensefund.com .
Many organizations and their volunteers do a great deal for our community. The Recompense Fund is humbled by their efforts and values all their ideas. The fund also takes seriously the confidence of its many donors who trust the fund to make sound decisions when awarding grants.
The Mail
Sincere Thanks During a hasty return to the island on Father’s Day, I misplaced a shoulder bag that contained a lot of valuable items. My sincerest thanks to Martha Hamilton and the CTC staff who helped locate and arranged to return it to me on the island. Your efforts are truly appreciated, particularly during your very busy season. Thank you again, Thank you Chebeague Island! We would like to thank everyone who helped us after David and his drill press had a bit of a confrontation. Thanks to the team of the Chebeague Island Rescue, the crew on the CTC boat, the Yarmouth Rescue guys, and John Holt who provided some necessary transportation. Sincerely, Tony Gorody
THANKS TO MY SUPPORTERS Hopefully, by the time this is published, the transition of my trucking/junking business will be complete. I now will have more time to focus on my electrical business and will have better response times. I apologize to those who have “fallen through the cracks” on the schedule. I also want to take the time to again thank all of my patrons and supporters of the trucking/junking business. Please extend your patronage and kind words to Island Services for this much needed service. Sincerely, Kim Boehm Kim@IslandElectric A Note of Thanks Although I took my digger back in June, my memory of that experience remains vivid...and mostly POSITIVE due to the incredible care I received from friends and neighbors. Much thanks to my kind and competent rescuers, Ehrhardt, Martha, and Mike; to the CTC crew, Jeremy and Kim; and to the Yarmouth Rescue team. The cheer and comfort you provided to me (in the middle of the night) will never be forgotten. Also, many thanks to all who sent cards and well wishes (and flowers!!). I feel very blessed to live on Chebeague.
David Scrase and Melanie Gustafson
With much aloha, Dianne Whetham
CICA AND THE FREE CONCERT FUND PRESENT MUSIC, MUSIC — JAZZ, CLASSICAL, POPULAR, ETHNIC, FAR OUT— ON CHEBEAGUE IN J ULY ! Saturday July 1 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. at the Hall— IndepenDance , potluck dinner followed by a contra dance featuring the Mari Black Trio . Dance instruction starts at 5:00 p.m. Sunday July 2 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. at the Wilsons’—The Mari Black Trio performing their amazing show Fiddling Around the World , another entertaining adventure in music! BYOB Saturday July 15 7:00 p.m.* at the United Methodist Church— Piano recital by Diane Walsh performing works by Scarlatti, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Chopin, and Liszt. Saturday July 22 7:00 p.m.* at the United Methodist Church—the Novel Jazz Septet will play music of Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn. Sunday July 30 7:00 p.m.* at the United Methodist Church—The Sebago – Long Lake Music Festival will focus on Schubert, playing the Notturno for Piano Trio and the String Quintet in C Major. They will also play Harbison’s “November 19, 1928” (the day Schubert died) for Piano Quintet and begin with Bach’s Trio Sonata in C Minor from The Musical Offering .
*Free Concert Fund event
We gratefully accept and appreciate donations (suggested $15) at any event to support the musicians as well as CICA and the Free Concert Fund’s commitment to provide music on Chebeague. Additional information at www.Chebeague.events!
“So, You Always Wanted to Play an Instrument?” Join the Chebeague Primitive Orchestra! Workshop and Evening Performance It’s Great Fun! You Can Do It!
SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday August 16
Workshop: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Parish House $35 pp includes lunch/snacks World Première—Chebeague Primitive Orchestra III—Performance: 7:30 p.m.
Hosted by the Wilsons at the bottom of Spruce Point Road Followed by Jazz with Pizazz, a CICA-sponsored event
For more information contact Adele at adele@gorody.com or 846-8929
Visiting composer Paul English ( www.paulenglishmusic.com ) will guide the group through a series of musical adventures resulting in an original piece of music to be shared together and performed in the evening. It’s challenging and great fun. You may have seen us and heard us before, now it’s time to release your inner musician; advance the musician in you—it’s very natural and oh, so human! Ages 16+; non-musicians and experienced musicians welcome!
Ebb and Thyme Bakery At The Corner of Firehouse and North Roads
CPA News
The CPA would like to offer a HUGE
OPEN Wednesday thru Sunday 11:00 - 2:00 Bakery Treats • Ice Cream • Prepared Meals To Go Come Check Out Our Menu!
to our graduates: Riley Beaupre, 5 th grade Caleb Todd, 5 th grade Althea Englund,
Greely High School
One Man’s Island by Bob Libby
Celebrating major anniversaries reminds us how quickly time passes. Ten years a town as years fly by. I remember our first trip to Chebeague in 1970 when Wink and Ruthie invited us out for a weekend on the island. Doc hustled Paula over to Souchek’s Red House to cut a pane of glass for Don’s storm door. It’s been nearly half a century since we first fell in love with Chebeague. We’ve come to deeply respect the multigenerational cultural aspects of life on Chebeague. Family dominates all our cherished memories. Our first Fourth of July out here was 1984, and we had torn the roof off the brick house under a pure blue cloudless sky. When the thunderstorm struck, Don Munsey and Art Johnson ran over with a huge blue tarp, but everything was already dripping. Paula told Nick to take the huge pot he was carrying and put it over his head to keep himself dry. We remember Ralph as a teenager hauling us with our gear up from the Stone Wharf through the woods to the old meeting house. Bucket rights to Campbell’s well and a stunning outhouse were the facilities then. The old porch had to be torn off and carted to the dump. That first Fourth Wink, Ruthie, Malcolm, Sandra, and Med set up the cannon and saluted us at midnight, but we were all so exhausted, we never even woke up. Now, our son who proudly rode his decorated bike in that first parade can look at several timber-framed houses he has built on this island.
Nick’s grandmother is the oldest resident on Chebeague, and we have lived on Chebeague longer than any other place. We harbor deep affection for the five or more generation families of Chebeague: Leonards, Houghtons, Hamiltons, KomLosys, Hills, Cleaves, Webbers, and more. We stood and applauded when Raymond Hamilton rode by in the parade and when Jet was honored as the youngest citizen born on Chebeague. For me the greatest aspect of the parade is the generations celebrating together. People I remember as children running to catch thrown treats are now guiding their children and grandchildren in the ritual. Because we worked for Cumberland Rec, we met young children for arts and crafts and sports forty years ago—long before there was the Rec Center or our beautiful public library. Now those young people like Kevin, Rachel, and Tom are all busy adults guiding sons, daughters, nieces, and nephews through the celebration of independence. Amanda will be captain on the Islander that brings the hordes of visitors to share our celebration. My friend Teddy will be posting video of his grandchildren as the parade goes by Westview’s porch. On this independence Day we stand and applaud the generosity and friendship of our neighbors all these years and eagerly look forward to the independent future of Chebeague Island. Property Maintenance Lawn Mowing, Bush Hogging, Wood Chipping, Stump Grinding, Brush Removal, Rototilling, Driveway Grading, Snow Removal, and more...
Celebrate a Decade of Independence on Chebeague with the Mari Black Trio Community Dance and Potluck Saturday July 1 at the Hall 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Dance instruction 5:00-5:30 p.m. Contra, line, and square dancing All levels welcome Alcohol-free event Fiddling Around the World Sunday July 2 at the Wilsons’ 81 Spruce Point Rd. 7:00-9:00 p.m. BYOB
Call Nathan Doughty 712-4017 or 846-4133
Celebrate Freedom! Sponsored by CICA Suggested donation: $15
The town is once again issuing burn permits, and they are still available for free through Ralph or Kim Munroe and Lisa Israel or online for a cost of $7 ($2 of which goes to the town) at www1.maine.gov/ burningpermits/ . As quite often happens this time of year, we are experiencing extremely high fire danger days. Please be aware and follow the rules before starting any fires. All fires must be attended at all times and require a burn permit. Ralph Munroe Cell 712-3827 • Ralph and Kim Munroe Home 846-4654 • Lisa Israel 274-0716 IMPORTANT RESOURCE NUMBERS Firefighter Footnotes AA 24-hour Hotline....................... 774-4335/800-737-6237 Al Anon/Alateen to help 24-Hour Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Hotline........................... 888-568-1112 Statewide Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline......... 800-871-7741 Family Crisis Services..................................... 800-537-6066 family/ friends of alcoholics......... 284-1844/800-498-1844 NA Hotline..................................................... 800-974-0062
2016 Chebeague Island Directory Corrections
AUFFANT, Jason 31 South Road
cell 203-887-2220
MARSHALL, Peter & Susan 325 South Rd 846-1584 Peter marshpe@me.com Susan suzymarshall@mac.com
BROWN, Peggy & Scott McGovern Peggy peggy.brown252@gmail.com BUTTERS, Marilyn (Hanson) 85 Cottage Rd 846-8715 Marilyn cell 207-329-9222
MARSHALL, William Jr & Barbara 325 South Road 846-1584 Bill marshallfwilliam@gmail.com Barb marshallbarbarab@gmail.com
Please send corrections and additions to gulldirect@hotmail.com .
Ladies Aid Summer Fair Come Enjoy a Delicious Lunch & Shop till You Drop: Hand-knit goodies — mittens, socks, scarves, & more Handmade aprons, tea towels, & many other great gifts The best knives & utensils you can buy Christmas Ornaments so you can get a head start on your shopping Plus wonderful creations by our intrepid crafters and lovely cards of Island scenes! Best of all are the fudge & baked goods!! Thursday August 3 from Noon to 2:30 p.m. at the Hall
V ISIT SCHOOLHOUSE SECONDS THRIFT SHOP OPEN EVERY TUESDAY FROM 9:30 a.m. to noon and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. There are lots of new and interesting treasures. You can always find just what you need and at a great price at Schoolhouse Seconds!
4 th of July Schedule of Events: “Celebrating Independence”
The Parade
The Road Race
Get your floats ready, dust off your costumes, and decorate your bike! It is time for Chebeague’s 4th of July celebration!
Open to all! Start your 4 th of July celebration on the right (or left) foot! Come join us for the 40 th Annual Great Chebeague Island Road Race and Fun Run! Registration is at 8:30 a.m. at the Historical Society for the Fun Run (no fee) and 9:00 a.m. for the Road Race ($5 fee). If you have questions, please contact Martha (Muffie) Vernon at 201-961-2914. Fun Run begins at 9:00 a.m.: 1.1 miles around the block Road Race begins at 10:00 a.m.: same course down South Road to Littlefield Road, right on North Road, and back to Historical Society Questions? Suggestions? Willing to Volunteer? Contact the Chebeague Island Council at chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com or 846-4988.
This year’s theme—“Celebrating Independence”— honors our tenth anniversary as a town!
Muster at the Inn at 11:00 a.m. The parade starts at 11:30 a.m.
Parade Route: Starts at the Inn, down South Road, turns right onto North Road at the Historical Society, down North Road to Firehouse Road, left onto Firehouse Road, along Firehouse Road to South Road, down South Road to Schoolhouse Road, right onto Schoolhouse Road, and ends at the Chebeague Island School
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northeast Real Estate 208 U.S. Rt. One Suite 2, Freeport, ME 04032 207-869-5173 On-Chebeague Agent, Specs Eaton – cell 207-491-5150 specseaton@gmail.com
“Quality real estate practice becomes great community service”
33 Bluff Head Road mls #1312731
Sited high above a beautiful west-facing sandy beach with moorings, 33 Bluff Head offers enchanting water and neighboring island views from its sun deck, sunroom, kitchen, living room, or bedroom. Featuring floor-to-ceiling fieldstone wood-burning fireplaces in both the living and family room, a sunny yard with cottage gardens, and a stairway that descends onto the beach, this year-round home has much to offer at a very attractive price. Includes running Honda Element. Many furnishings negotiable. $499,950 $225,000 This listing is for both of two separate, adjacent, 1.6-acre wooded lots. Both are approvable building lots and are still under separate deeds. This 22-year-old post and beam house is next to the Kids’ Place Day Care; the Rec Center with pool, tennis, and basketball courts; and the Chebeague Island School and renowned playground and athletic fields. A real opportunity offering wooded privacy and convenient accessibility. Ample room for an addition in any direction. Compare this property to the cost of land and building elsewhere on the island.
354 North Road mls #1214563
JULY 2017
Sat 1 Sunrise Service, CIBY, 5:00 Catholic Mass, CIUMC, 10:00 IndepenDance, Hall, 5:30 8 Catholic Service, CIUMC, 4:00 Craft Fair, Hall, 10:00-1:00 15 CTC Annual Mtg, Hall, 9:00 Catholic Service, CIUMC, 4;00 Diane Walsh Recital, CIUMC, 7:00 22 Catholic Service, CIUMC, 4:00; Wizard of Oz, Hall, 6:00 Novel Jazz Septet, CIUMC, 7:00 29 Catholic Mass, CIUMC, 10:00 Mystery Theater, Hall, 7:00-8:30
2 CIUMC Worship, 10:00 CICC Brunch, Hall, 11:30-1:00 Mari Black Trio, Wilsons’, 7:30 9 CIUMC Worship, 10:00 Bob Marley, CRC, 6:30
4 Fun Run, 9:00, and Road Race, 10:00, CIHS Parade, 11:00
5 Dr. O’Donnell, Wellness Ctr, 9:00-11:30 Transfer Station Open, 9:00-5:00 12 Chinese Crafts, CIL, 2:00-4:00 CIHS Lecture, Hall, 3:00-4:00
6 RCF Grant Applications Presentation, Niblic, 5:30
11 Wellness Ctr, 9:00-11:30
16 CIUMC Worship, 10:00 Bay Mist Cruise, CIBY, 4:00
19 Dr. Rybka, Wellness Ctr, 9:00
21 Chiropractor, Wellness Ctr, 9:00 Wizard of Oz, Hall, 6:00
Dr O’Donnell, Wellness Ctr, 12:30-3:00
23 CIUMC Worship, 10:00
25 Wellness Ctr, 9:00-11:30
26 Sew Good, PH, 1:00-5:00
28 Mystery Theater, Hall, 7:00-8:30
30 CIUMC Worship, 10:00 Aquafest, CIBY, 1:00-4:00 Sebago-Long Lake Chamber Music, CIUMC, 7:00
31 Jazz Concert, CIUMC, 7:00-10:00
Join Us on “The Result” for fun, friendly, fast and safe trans- portation on your schedule! We look forward to seeing you aboard! Same day round trip, between Chebeague and Cousins, for up to 6 people, between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. Look for information on upcoming cruises!
Chebeague Water Taxi
Contact Us: 846-LOVE(5683)
chebeaguewatertaxi.com for more rates and information. chebeaguewatertaxi@gmail.com
Relax, We Got This!
Summer Cruises Available: *The Lobster Experience — Bring home the freshest Maine Lobsters! * Lunch and a Tour — Fresh Maine Lobster Roll Basket* * Sunset Cruise — Watch a Beautiful Sunset and bring your favorite beverage! * Cocktails and Constellations Evening Cruise — See the Milky Way, planets, and more! Featur- ing Ebb & Thyme signature cookie exclusively baked for Chebeague Water Taxi! Food by Ebb & Thyme Bakery
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