Come to the Grand Opening of SCHOOLHOUSE SECONDS June 27 from 9:30 a.m. to noon and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.
The CHEBEAGUE ISLAND COUNCIL is happy to announce that Barbara Davis is the winner of the contest to rename the former Grange thrift shop. Thanks to all who sent in ideas; it was a difficult choice. We wanted to honor the building’s history as well as its current use, and though change is hard, we can all continue to look forward to many happy shopping adventures at Schoolhouse Seconds! There are lots of new and interesting treasures. You can always find just what you need and at a great price at Schoolhouse Seconds! First day of school, 1910 (Courtesy of CIHS)
Property Maintenance Lawn Mowing, Bush Hogging, Wood Chipping, Stump Grinding, Brush Removal, Rototilling, Driveway Grading, Snow Removal, and more...
• C H E B E A G U E • W O R L D C O N N E C T I O N S Friday June 9 from 5:30–7:30 p.m. at the Hall
Join the CPA and CIS for a community celebration of food, culture, and presentations by the third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade students on their global studies projects. Did you know your neighbor may have been interviewed? You will be amazed by Chebeague’s stretch around the globe! As a bonus, come hear the stories and highlights of the 2017 CIS If you would like to cook an international dish, help decorate, or get involved, please contact the CPA at cpa@chebeague.net or Erika at 846-4370. field trip to Quebec. Everyone is welcome!
Call Nathan Doughty 712-4017 or 846-4133
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