Mark Your Calendar June 17 The Annual Meeting Saturday 7:00 PM, Island Hall June 17 Lecture Series I, Joseph Conforti Saturday 7:00 – 8:00 PM July 12 Lecture Series II, Ron Romano Wednesday 3:00 – 4:00 PM August 8 CIHS House Tour Tuesday 10:30 – 4:30 PM August 21 Lecture Series III, JerryWiles Monday 7:00 – 8:00 PM September 18 Lecture Series IV, Donna Damon Monday 7:00 – 8:00 PM
The Annual Meeting of the Chebeague Island Historical Society will be held at the Island Hall on Saturday, June 17th at 7 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to elect Officers & Trustees and to approve the amount of annual dues proposed by the Governing Board for 2017/2018. The Historical Society Nomination Procedure for new Officers & Board members: anyone wishing to nominate a member may submit a written petition signed by seven [7] or more members of the Society to the recording secretary at least ten [10] days before the Annual Meeting & posted not fewer than seven [7] days before the meeting, routinely held the third Saturday of June. The proposed Nomination Slate for June, 2017 – June, 2018 is: The nominating Committee has nominated the following people to serve as Officers for one year or until a successor is duly elected & qualified:
President: Toby Webb Vice President: Mary Holman Treasurer: Mary Holt
Corresponding Secretary: Cathy McNeil Recording Secretary: Caroline Loder
The Nominating Committee has nominated the following people to serve as Trustees for three years [2017-2020]. Members of the Board:
June 17 :: CIHS Lecture Series Presents Joseph Conforti: IMAGINING MAINE: The Case of RuthMoore and Island Life . “That was the place you were homesick for, even when you were there.” — This was the epigraph with which Ruth Moore prefaced her first novel, TheWeir, published in 1943.
Anne Brenton Karen Corson
Michael Hamilton Marjorie Munroe
Patricia StCyr
An affirmative vote of a majority of the CIHS members present at the Annual Meeting is required to elect Officers & Trustees. Respectfully submitted, Karen Corson Recording Secretary
Firefighter Footnotes
The town is once again issuing burn permits, and they are still available for free through Ralph or Kim Munroe and Lisa Israel or online for a cost of $7 ($2 of which goes to the town) at www1.maine.gov/ burningpermits/ . As quite often happens this time of year, we are experiencing extremely high fire danger days. Please be aware and follow the rules before starting any fires. All fires must be attended at all times and require a burn permit. Ralph Munroe Cell 712-3827 • Ralph and Kim Munroe Home 846-4654 • Lisa Israel 274-0716 IMPORTANT RESOURCE NUMBERS
AA 24-hour Hotline....................... 774-4335/800-737-6237 Al Anon/Alateen to help family/ friends of alcoholics......... 284-1844/800-498-1844 NA Hotline..................................................... 800-974-0062 Classified Ads Top Shelf Cleaning and Services: Cleaning, moving cars to and from the Stone Pier or Chandlers Wharf, snowplowing and snowblowing, and winter house watching—daily, weekly, or monthly—lawn mowing, and light tractor work. For more information, call Cindy at 207-846-1055. Seasonal Rental at 13 Island View Rd: Fully equipped summer home with 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, and private right of way to the water; $900 per week plus a $300 security deposit. Contact Richard Bowen at rhbowen3@gmail.com or 207-831-6148.
24-Hour Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Hotline........................... 888-568-1112 Statewide Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline......... 800-871-7741 Family Crisis Services..................................... 800-537-6066
Ladies Aid: Please join us for crafty projects and camaraderie from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. each Thursday. Catholic Mass: Father Daniel Greenleaf will be at the Chebeague United Methodist Church to celebrate Holy Mass on S aturday July 1, July 29, and August 26 at 10:00 a.m. Catholic Communion Service: A regular Catholic Communion Service will be held every Saturday at 4:00 p.m. at the church. Sew Good: Sew Good will meet June 28 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Parish House. For more information, please call Lola Armstrong (846-4737) or Karen Corson (846-0938).
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