Solid Waste As many of you know, in July, Kathryn Oak left her position as Transfer Station Manager and accepted a position with the State. She will be missed. This year the Salvation Army did provide a col ection box for resalable clothing, linens, and shoes. We also started a program with “We Compost It”, which is run by MB Bark LLC in Auburn. The residents of Mechanic Falls can purchase compost from them or locations listed on their web site. All those scraps from the din er table and meal preparations (things once alive) can be brought to the Transfer Station. We will even provide a pail for you. For this report, I will give the statistics on just how much trash, (Municipal Solid Waste- MSW), and recycled materials were collected for disposal in 2016 so you could see how recycling has the potential for reducing town’s expense for MSW disposal. The following figures are in tons: MSW #1 & 2 Plastics Tin & Aluminum Cans Newspaper/Magazines Cardboard Mixed paper 454.25 5.11 4.54 20.1 32.36 20.23 OBW (oversized bulky waste)- items that must be hauled separate from the MSW because of size. 9.24 As you can see, our total for MSW hauled was 463.49 tons (MSW+OBW) and our total recycled items were 89.6125 tons. The cost to the town for MSW removal is around $38,000/yr. If we double our recycle, we have the potential to reduce our MSW and hauling fees by quite a bit. Unfortunately, there are quite a few residents that do not recycle or only recycle one or two of the items that could have been recycled. My goal this year is to encourage more recycling. I want to thank all of you that do participate in the recycle program, keep up the good work. The Transfer Station continues to ac ept scrap metal, scrap lumber and wood construction demolition. We do not accept sheetrock or asbestos siding. Hazardous waste must be taken to the Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments (AVCOG) site in Lewiston. We also accept cooking oil, and waste motor oil, but it must not contain antifreeze. All types of batteries are accepted. Solid Waste As many of you kno , in J ly, K t r l t ti r and ac epted a posit on with the State. She wi l be mis . This year the Salvation Army did pr id l t i , li s, nd shoes. We also started a program with “We Co post It”, w ic is r i ts f Mechanic Falls can purchase co post fro th or lo tio li r fr the din er table and meal preparations (things once aliv ) c il r vide a pail for you. For this report, I wi l give th statistic j i l li t - ), and recycled materials were collected for dis l in li t tential for reducing town’s expense for MS disposal. T fo lo in i MSW #1 & 2 Plastics Tin & Alu in i r r ixed paper 454.25 5. 1 . . 20.23 OBW (oversized bulky waste)- ite t t c use of size. 9.24 As you can s e, our total for M le r t t l recycled ite s were 89.6125 tons. The cost to the to n for M r l l r r cycle, we have the potential to reduce our MS and haulin fe i Unfortunately, there are q ite a fe r id l l r t o of the ite s that could have b en recycled. My g l this is I t t t k l of you that do participate in the recycle progra , ke u th The Transfer Station contin to t tr ction de olition. We do not a cept sh etrock or asbestos sidin . t r in Valley Council of Governments (AV ) site in L ist . t t r il, but it must not contain antifr eze. All types of ba terie ar s , i s y r i p t It , i i pu c s r l i p s t t ti i e f l i i f e ex s . f l i l i 45 t it s 9 s y c r f l o s f h t e c f r t f i t hav t i i y n r t t t a c s r t i i v ) t i l, i anti z l t
Les Johnson Transfer Station Manager Les Johnson Transfer Station Manager Les J s r
Town Clerk As is typical, 2016 was a busy year for the Town Clerk’s Office. From maintaining vital records, issuing Inland Fisheries & Wildlife licenses, Dog licenses, ATV, snowmobile, boat and motor vehicle registrations, to administrative support for various departments and commit ees. Most all functions are completed online, however, in the event of computer issues or loss of power, we are able perform those functions manually We have a barcode scanner for voting and credit card readers for convenient payment. We do ac ept credit/debit cards, but keep in mind, the bank charges you a 2.75% fee (down from 2.95% in previous years) for processing cards. We offer online renewals for Motor Vehicle registrations. You Town Clerk As is typical, 2016 was a b s y r f r t i t i i it l records, is uing Inland Fisheries & Wildlife licens s, D lic t r icle r gistrations, to administrative su port for various departm ts a i Most all functions ar c let l f t r iss es or los of power, we are able perform those functio s m ly ti r it card readers for convenient pay ent. We d a t r i t r es you a 2.75 fe (down from 2.95 in previous ye rs) for r i l f r t r Vehicle registrations. You s s y t i s , li r i ve su rt t l l ab l t re s co v f e
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