


General Assistance Hello, Mechanic Falls Citizens. General A sistance Hello, Mechanic Falls Citizens. My name is Sha non Moxcey and I 2014. John Hawley opted to take c email. Later in the sa e year, Jo t ld t Moxcey a pears to have b en a g were about $10, 0 lower than co r l

My name is Shannon Moxcey and I have been the part-time General Assistance administrator for the Town since 2014. John Hawley opted to take a chance by allowing me to manage the program entirely by fax, phone and email. Later in the same year, John told the Mechanic Falls Select Board that: “the decision to hire Shannon Moxcey appears to have been a good one because General Assistance payments for the past six months of 2014 were about $10,000 lower than comparable periods in recent years.” The numbers of applicants, as well as the amount of General Assistance I have authorized, has significantly decreased. I attribute this to several reasons. I require mandatory work fare for all General Assistance recipients to be completed prior to issuing any assistance, in non-emergency cases. I also conduct a thorough verification of all of the eligibility factors which impact the case. I refer people in need to other available local resources that may be able to help with client needs, such as local food pantries and the Salvation Army. I am proud to serve the taxpayers and my co-workers of the Town of Mechanic Falls, my work would not be possible without the collaboration of the administrative staff at the Mechanic Falls Town Office, who are so very helpful, efficient and knowledgeable. Thank you to Mechanic Falls Town Manager Koriene Low for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself to residents via this report. Thank you, Shannon Moxcey t i i tr t r for the To n since l tir ly y fax, phone and t i io t ire Shan on t f r t st six months of 2014 i The numbers of a plicants, as we l t t ri , s significantly decreased. I attribute this to sever l r . I l r l s istance recipients to be completed prior to i suing any s ist , i t t r gh verification of all of the eligib lity factors which impact t . I il l l l r sources that may be able to help with client n eds, suc lo l f . I am proud to serve the taxpayers - i l , rk ould not be po sible withou the collaboration f t i i t i l f ic , ho are so very helpful, efficient and kno ledgeable. ri for giving me this o portunity to introduce myself to r sid t i t i Thank you, Sha non Moxcey


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