ANNUAL REPORT 2015-16 L RE RT 2015-16 ANNUAL REPORT 2015-16
Emergency Management Hello from your new Emergency Management Director, Fred Sturtevant. I took over for David Stimson who retired recently, after 30 years. I have big shoes to fill and a lot to learn, but I know that I can call on him when I need information. As of writing this letter, we haven’t had any big disasters and I am hoping we won’t see anything like we have seen in the news from other parts of the country. We are still pre-planning in the event a disaster does take place. The Town is updating its 5-year pre-mitigation plan for the federal government. This update will identify any problems that might arise and request help in covering some of the costs, if any. If you have any questions about emergency management, feel free to contact me and I’ll do my best to get an answer. The current budget request reflects the needs of the job and the town. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the services in town; from the Police Department, Public Works Department, Water and Sewer Departments, to the Town Office and Fire/Rescue Departments for coming together to make our emergency plans successful. EMS Director Fred C. Sturtevant III E ergency Management Hello fro your new Emergency Manage ent Director, Fred Sturtevant. I took over for David Stimson who retired recently, after 30 years. I have big shoes to fill and a lot to learn, but I know that I can call on him when I need information. As of writing this let er, we haven’t had any big disasters and I am hoping we won’t se anything like we have seen in the news fro other parts of the country. We are still pre-plan ing in the event a disaster does take place. The Town is updating its 5-year pre-mit gation plan for the federal government. This update will identify any problems that might arise and request help in covering so e of the costs, if any. If you have any questions about e ergency management, feel free to contact me and I’ll do my best to get an answer. The cur ent budget request reflects the ne ds of the job and the town. I would like to take this op ortunity to thank all the services in town; from the Police Department, Public Works Department, Water and Sewer Departments, to the Town Office and Fire/Rescue Departments for coming together to make our emergency plans succes ful. E S Director Fred C. Sturtevant I Em rgency M nag ment Hell from your new Em rgency M nag ment Directo , Fred Sturtevant. I to k over for David Stimson who retired recently, after 30 years. I have big shoes to fill and a l t to learn, but I know hat I can call on him when I n ed information. As of wri ing this letter, we haven’t h d any big di asters and I am hoping we won’t see anything like we have s en in th news fr m othe parts of the country. W are still pre-pla ning in th vent a di aster does take place. The Town is updat ng its 5-year pre-mi igation plan for th f deral government. This update w ll identify any problems that might arise and r quest help in covering some of the costs, if any. If you h ve any questions about m rgency m nag ment, feel free t contact me and I’ll do my bes to get an answer. The current budg t r quest reflec s th needs of the job and the town. I would like to take this ppor unity o thank all th services in town; from the Police Department, Public Works Department, W ter and S w r Departments, o the Town Office and Fir /Rescue Departments for coming together to make our m rgency plans successful. EMS Director Fred C. Sturtevant III
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