



General Information

Governance: By Charter adopted in 1992, amended in 2010, five elected Councilors and an appointed Town Manager Budget Adoption: Referendum Voting, Second Tuesday in June FiscalYear: July 1 st to June 30 th TaxPayments : Propertytaxpaymentsaredue twiceper fiscal year.Thefirst half payment is due by the close of business day on October 15 th and the second half due by the close of business day on May 15 th . Interest is imposed for late payments, beginning the following day. Property owners should notify the Town Office of changes to your property or structures on your property located in Mechanic Falls, by April 1 st of each year. Various Tax Exemptions are available to citizens. Please contact the Tax Office for further information. Vehicle Registrations: What to bring to the Town Office… Re-registration - bring the old registration, current proof of insurance and current mileage of the vehicle. New Registration – ( dealer sale ) bring Bill of Sale showing sales tax was paid, Blue Title Application Form, Window Sticker, current proof of insurance and mileage on the vehicle. New Registration – ( private sale ) bring Bill of Sale, current proof of insurance, Title (1995 Vehicle or newer) and Release of Lien (if applicable) and mileage on the vehicle. New Registration - ( transfer ) bring same as private sale plus the Registration of the vehicle the Plates are transferred from Dogs: All dogs must be licensed annually, by December 31, within the municipality of which their owner resides. Permits: TheTownof MechanicFalls requires numerous permits for specificactivities; please contact the Office at 345- 2871 for more information. Not obtaining the proper permit prior to engaging in an activity is subject to fines and prosecution.


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