Safety Committee The Safety Committee meets throughout the year reviewing our buildings and properties for safety issues that need addressing. It is also our charge to review our safety policies and make changes as necessary. This past year we were able to secure 2 grants. The initial grant that would help us purchase extensions for the Water Department trench box. The second grant provided safety signage for police and fire department personnel to help safeguard the scene of an accident or fire. As always, if you see anything that appears unsafe, please bring it to our attention for our review. Safety Committee The Safety Committe meets throughout th year reviewing our bu ldings and properties for safety issues that n ed addressing. It is also our charge to r view our safety policies and make changes as nece sary. Thi past year w were able to secure 2 grants. The initial grant that would help us purchase extensions for the Wat r Department trench box. Th second grant provided safety signage for police and fire department personnel to help safeguard th scene of n accident or fire. As always, if you see anything hat appears unsafe, please bring it t our attention for ou review. f t e t m t e m hr out he e ing ou u l i d er i ues es s o t r i w ur s l s an m s c T e w u e 2 r n al h p us r n ons the p e tren e ond e a ety o d r en rs d th s i nt o f w y s a y ars br g i n on or u r w. t mmi t i t eets throughou the y a reviewing o r bu ldings and p operties for safety is ues hat need si . It i al o our charge to review our safety pol cies and make change as n cessary. t r ere able to s cure 2 grants. The nitial grant that would help s purchase extensions for the D rt nt tr ch box. The second grant provided safety si nage for police and fire department personnel f ar t scene of an a cident or fire. a s, if ee nything that a pear unsaf , please bring it t our attention f r our r view. ct , r T e i s fir t ear rganizing the Santa for the Kids program and its 25 th year running. I had such a great time i r t children this year. We had 16 familie sign up for help aga n this year, w ich were comprised of 43 ult . As is common, the co mun ty id not disappoint. Local bu inesses and org nizations , in ivi u ls ro ped by with donatio s and r sidents donated money at Future Foods. I was s moved by t t bers of his town have for their neighbors. We do require all who request help fill out an i , si n a form sta ing ha they are r sidents and not seeking assistance ls where. I performed fi ti s and used HUD Median Income as a t reshold. i t t ny of t e children’s reque ts as possible, in addi ion they were given h ts and mittens, r yons, and so e small trinkets f r stockings. We had a t tal of 7 bikes donated this year. The t t to retriev the gifts were very moved, some to tears, and expressed thei extr me gratitude. is i t ke donations for next year can drop new, unwrapped t ys or bedding at the Town Office at any t t ear. A y nd all donations a e gre tly appreciated. inkl t i s rogram C ordinator Respectfully, Steve French Santa For The Kids This is my first year organizing the Santa for the Kids program and its 25 th year running. I had such a great time shopping for the children this year. We had 16 families sign up for help again this year, which were comprised of 43 children and 21 adults. As is common, the community did not disappoint. Local businesses and organizations donated, individuals dropped by with donations and residents donated money at Future Foods. I was so moved by the support that the members of this town have for their neighbors. We do require all who request help fill out an application, and sign a form stating that they are residents and not seeking assistance elsewhere. I performed some verifications and used HUD Median Income as a threshold. We tried to grant as many of the children’s requests as possible, in addition they were given hats and mittens, coloring book and crayons, and some small trinkets for stockings. We had a total of 7 bikes donated this year. The families that came to retrieve the gifts were very moved, some to tears, and expressed their extreme gratitude. Those wishing to make donations for next year can drop new, unwrapped toys or bedding at the Town Office at any time throughout the year. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Miranda Hinkley Santa for the Kids Program Coordinator SPECIAL THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE FOR THEIR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS… Modern Woodman of America Future Foods Rainbow Federal Credit Union Day Motors Sons of the American Legion Post 150 The Silver Spur Auburn Manufacturing Bryant Energy Charles & Dorothy Bouchles The American Legion Post 150 Chandler Funeral and Cremation Services Mechanic Falls Veterinary Hospital Parent Lumber Lions Club Knights of Columbus Santa For The Kids This is my first year orga izing the S nta for the Kids program and its 25 th year run ing. I had such a grea time shopping for t e children this year. We had 16 families sign up for help again this year, which were comprised of 43 children and 21 adults. As is common, the co munity did not disappoint. Local businesses and organizations donate , in ividuals dropped by with donations and residents donated money at F ture F ods. I was so m ved by the support t at th members of this town have for their neighbors. We do require all who request help fill out an applicatio , and sign a form stating hat they a residents and not seeking assistance elsewhere. I performed some verificatio s and used HUD Median Income s a threshold. W tried to gr nt as many of the children’s request as possible, in addition they were given hats and mittens, coloring book and crayons, and some small trinkets for stockings. We had a otal of 7 bikes donated this year. The families th t came to retriev the gifts wer very moved, some o tears, and expressed their extreme gra itude. Those wishing to make donations for next year can drop new, unwrapped toys or bedding a the Town Office at any time throughout th year. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Mir nda Hinkley Santa for the Kids P ogram Coordinator SPECIAL THANKS O THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE FOR THEIR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS… Modern Woodman of America Future Foods Rainbow Federal Credit U ion Day Motors S ns of the American Legion Post 150 The Silver Spur Auburn M nufacturing Brya t Energy Charles & Dorothy Bouchles The American Legion Post 150 Chandler Funeral and Cremation Services Mechanic Falls V terinary Hospital Parent Lumber Lions Club Knights of Columbus S nt K d T i o i nt or t i o m n i a ni . h a g i f t thi ea e ad i e ign up f r t s r w re ompr s h ad ts i on, he no is al busi s gan z t d s d o y h nati n de t do a F o a s v h or t av r n gh . We r e a w e he p fi l a ig a fo m hat hey d an no i t c l I pe s i o a u U M ia Inc t h l o r n s ma d e ’ eq p l gi nd it s o a d c ay m m ll ri fo to gs ot o 7 bi ed h s y . fa i me to r i t r o e t t s pr s t e g a it e e g o a d f ex y a c n nw p di To n f c ti t y . d nat ap ec a e d P a o na I T T P PL O R U n n o A i r b F e C e m c L n c u t E or Bou i er nd es e s V t inar H t en e C u o m s O HE F LLOWING PEOPLE FOR THEIR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS… of merica ral r dit Union t r t ri an Legion Post 150 il er S r f t ring r t y B uchles The American Legion Post 150 Chandler Funer l and Cremation Services Mechanic Falls Veterinary Hospital Parent Lumber Lions Club Knights f Col mbus R spectfully, Stev French fu l
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