AN UAL REPORT 2015-16 015- 6 A NUAL REPORT 2015-16 AN UAL REPORT 2015-16 T
Water Department As most people are aware by now, there has been quite a controversy in Flint, Michigan over lead in their drinking water. You can rest assured that lead is not an issue here. Every three years we are required to test our water for lead and copper. We get samples from different neighborhoods around town and have passed the tests. Our water, like a lot of water around the state, is slightly aggressive to lead and copper. So we have to chemically adjust the aggressiveness. Another chemical that appears in the news occasionally is fluoride. A few years ago, the fluoride limit that water utilities were required to achieve was 1.4 parts per million (PPM). We were advised to cut that target in half. We now deliver .7ppm’s in our drinking water. It is a simple and inexpensive process for us to do. Looking through our records I find where the Mechanic Falls Water “Company” as it was known as in 1970, received permission to start adding fluoride. We have been providing it ever since. We also add chlorine and sodium silicate to our water. Flushing hydrants are a yearly event occurring the first part of June. This is necessary to help keep our older pipes clean and to help from sediment collecting. It takes us less than a week to accomplish this. We used to take out an ad in the paper, and still people would call the office to question low pressure or cloudy water. We have ceased the ad in the paper and have opted to notifying our customers with a note on your bill and also a reminder on the Town Office sign. We are now able to accept credit cards. You should be aware that there is a small fee involved for the service. You can also pay your bill on line. First go to the Town web site, find the Water Department, and navigate from there. There are still the old-fashioned ways such as mailing your payment, or dropping off your payment in our drop slot in the front of our building. Respectfully Steve French, Superintendent Committee Reports Development Commission Since 1983, the MFDC has administered the Revolving Loan Fund (RLF), which is a low-interest loan program available to existing and new businesses for the purpose of creating and retaining jobs. In addition to the RLF, the MFDC has administered the Micro-Loan program since 1996. Since its inception, the Micro-Loan program has been highly successful in attracting new businesses and new employment opportunities. This revolving loan program currently has approximately $320,00 available to qualified Mechanic Falls’ businesses. In 2016 the MFDC funded one loan request. A $50,000 loan was made to Mechanic Falls Auto Repair & Sales. The funds were used to refinance debt and perform renovations and improvements at his 128 Lewiston Street property. The MFDC is pleased to report that the annual audit performed by Smith & Associates has resulted in a clean opinion. The MFDC contracts with the Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments (AVCOG) to provide professional services including loan underwriting and servicing as well as meeting and financial records management. Business owners interested in participating in the MFDC loan programs should call Ed Dox at AVCOG, 783-9186, or the Town Office 345-2871. ater Department As most people are a are b , t r e a ont ver y in Flint, Michigan over lead in their drinking water. You can rest a re t t l he e. er thr ears we are required to test our water for lead and co er. We get s pl r f hbo h ods r und town and have pas ed the tests. Our water, like a lot of w ter aroun th t t i e o lead nd op er. So we have to chemically adjus the a re ivene s. Another che ical that a rs i t y s uoride. A few ears ago, the fluoride limit hat water ut lities were require to ac i a lion ) W w re dvised to cut that target in half. e now deliver .7 ’s in our dri i at r d ne pensi e r cess for us to do. Lo king through ou records I find where th Mec a i ll y a t as now s in 970, received permis ion to start a ding fluoride. We h ve b pro i i e a o ad hl rine nd sodium silicate to our water. Flushing hydrants are a y rl f st part of June. This is ecessary to help ke p our older pipes clean and to h lp fro s i e t l k u e than we k to accomplish this. We used to take out an ad in the pap r, and still p l l f e o question low r ssure or cloudy water. We have ceased the ad in the pap r and ha o t c o e ith ote n your bil and also a reminder on the Town Office sign. e are no able to a pt cre it r e a a e hat there is a smal fee involved for the service. You can also pay y ur bill o li . r n eb i e, find the ater Department, and navigate from there. There are sti l th ol -fa i i ng our aym nt, or dr pping of your payment in our drop slot in the front of o r buildi g. Respectfully Steve French, Superinte nt Co i t Re rts Develop ent o is io Since 1983, the i v ing Loan F nd (R F), which is a low-interest loan program available to existin and n b po e of r ating nd retaining jobs. In addition to the RLF, the MFDC has ad inistered th Mi ro- s e 1 96. Si ce its inception, the Micro-Loan program has b en highly su e sful in a tra ti n b ne em l ym nt op ortunities. This revolving loan program cu rently has ap roximatel $ , a f ed chanic al s’ busines es. In 2016 the M funded o l r 0 oan s de to Mechanic Falls Auto Repair & Sales. The funds were us d to refi d a eno ations nd impr vements at his 128 Lewiston Str et property. The MF is ple sed to re rt t t a per o d y Smith & ssociates has resulted in a clean opinion. The M contra ts wit t A a e uncil f G vernments (AVCOG) to provide profe sional services including l u r i s i ing s wel s meeting and financial records management. Busine s owners intereste in parti i ti p og a houl al Ed Dox at AVCOG, 783-9186, or the Town Office 345-287 . r t t l r re by now, there has b en quite a controversy in Flint, Michigan over lead in their r t sured that lead is not an i sue here. Every thr e years we are required to test our r. t samples from different neighborh ods around town and have pa sed the te ts. t l t f t r r nd the state, is slightly a gre sive to lead and co per. So we have to chemically t i . i l t t pears in the news o casionally is fluoride. A few years ago, the fluoride limi that e r ir t chieve was 1.4 parts per million ( PM). We were advised to cut that target in half. . ’ i r rinking water. It is a simple and inexpensive proce s for us to do. Looking through i r t chanic Fa ls Water “Company” as it was known as in 1970, received permi sion to l i . en providing it ever since. We also a d chlorine and sodium s licate t our water. i r t r yearly event o cu ring the first part of June. This is nece sary to help k ep our l t l fr sediment collecting. I takes us le s than a w ek to a complish this. We used to i t r, sti l people would call the office to question low pre sure or cloudy water. We have i t r ave opted to notifying our customers with a note on your bill and also a reminder fi i . l t cept credit cards. You should be aware tha there is a small f e involved for the i . l r i l on line. First go to the Town web site, find the Water Department, and navigate e r till t ld-fashioned ways such as ma ling your payment, or dro ping off your payment in our f o t f r il ing. ri t t ts l i i , t has administered the Revolving Loan Fund (RLF), which is a low-int rest loan il l t i ti new busine ses for the purpose of creating and reta ing jobs. In a d tion to the h i i t r the icro-Loan program since 1 96. Since its inception, the Micro-Loan program l s f l i ttracting new busine ses and new employment o portun ties. This revolving loan tl r i tely $320,0 0 available to qual fied Mechanic Falls’ busine ses. t f d one loan request. A $50, 0 loan was made to Mechanic Falls Auto Repair & r u t refinance debt and perform renovations and improvements at his 128 Lewiston y i pl t report that the a nual audit performed by Smith & A sociates has resulted in a tracts ith the Androsco gin Valley Council of Governments (AVCOG) to provide vi i l i loan underwr ting and servicing as well as m eting and financial records i s i t r t i rticipating in the MFDC loan programs should call Ed Dox at AVCOG, 783-9186, or i - . t r t t p by now, there has be n quite a controversy in Flint, Michigan over l ad in their i t r. c u d that lead is not an is ue her . Every thre y ars we are required to es our r r l c g sam les from dif er nt neighborho ds around town a d have passed the es . r, li lo o w a d the state, is lightly ag res ive to lead and cop er. So we have to chemically r iv t r c a ears in the news oc asionally is fluoride. A few years ago, the fluoride limit that r tiliti r o a hieve w s 1.4 parts per million (P M). We were advised to cut that t rget in half. li r .7 d nking w ter. It is a simple and inexpensive proces for us to d . Looking through r I fin w h nic Fal s Water “Company” as it was known as in 1970, rec iv d permiss on t i flu id W b n provid ng it ever since. We also ad chlorine and sodium silicate o ur water. l in h a yearly event oc ur ing the first part of June. This i nec s ary to help keep our i le a to fr sedim nt col ecting. It akes us less than a we k to accomplish t is. We used to t in th p stil people would call the office to question low pres ure or cloudy water. We have t in th p h ve opted to notifying our customers with a note on your bill and also a reminder ic s r n a e t credit cards. You should be aware that her is a small fee involved for the als p b l on line. First go to the Town web site, find the Water Department, and avig te r . r a s i o d ashioned ways uch as mail ng your payment, or drop ing off your payment i our l t i t fr o o d n . tf l r , e i t t i h has admin ster d the Revolving Loan Fund (RLF), whic is a low-interest loan r ila le to ew busines es for the purpose of creating and retain g jobs. In addition t the a e the Micro-Loan program since 19 6. Since its nception, the Micro-L an prog am i ly r cting ew busines es and new employment op ortunities. This revol ing loan r tly h a ely $320,0 available to qualif ed Mechanic Falls’ busines . I th u ne loan request. A $50, loan was made to Mechanic Falls Auto Repair & f o finance debt and perform renovations and improvem nts at his 128 Lewiston r rt . i o port hat the an ual audit performed by Smith & As ociates has resulted in a i i . r cts ith the Androscog in Valley Council of Governments (AVCOG) to provide i l ic loan nderwriting and servicing as well as me ting and fina cial records t. r in e p icipating in the MFDC loan programs hould call Ed Dox at AVCOG, 783-9186, or ic 3
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