

Police Department Police Department

The Mechanic Falls Police Department, like many other departments across the country, has been extremely busy this past year. Our officers have been involved with saving the lives of eight people who were suffering from overdoses. We have been carrying prescription NARCAN which can reverse the effects of Heroin/Opioids when a person overdoses. This prescription can allow them to start breathing again and it saves them from death. At the writing of this report we had, as mentioned above, been involved with saving eight people. In two of the cases, we were first on scene and administered the NARCAN ourselves. The other cases, we were at the scene with Rescue personnel and they administered the life-saving NARCAN. I have heard many people say that we should not be using NARCAN. These same individuals say that if these people want to risk their lives by doing drugs and they overdose in the process, we should not be saving them so they can go on using and getting high. I believe that most all of you would change that opinion if it were your loved one in need of that life -saving effort. We can be very disappointed in choices some make in this world we live in, but I would like to think that we are understanding and compassionate enough to do anything we can to save a life. As long as the Attorney Generals’ Office is willing to supply us with NARCAN, we will continue to do all that we can to protect and save lives in Mechanic Falls. Officer Daigle and Officer Gagnon also were involved with saving the lives of two individuals who suffered cardiac incidents. Officer Gagnon and 2 Deputies from the Sheriffs’ Department utilized the AED that we carry in our cruisers to save one man, while Officer Daigle assisted Poland Rescue by administering CPR to a woman. Daigle and Gagnon both have since started taking EMT classes so that they may be able to do more for citizens when they are having a medical emergency. They still must maintain a law enforcement perspective while on duty, but they will be able to better assist rescue with calls as they will have a greater knowledge than what the basic academy gives us regarding medical calls. We have again had a strong number of traffic violations in town. We made 980 vehicle stops for traffic violations and issued 192 citations. 788 warnings were issued. We have been very proactive in giving motorists a second chance, so to speak, to comply with laws on their own without issuing a ticket. There are times that, due to various reasons and circumstances, a citation is necessary. That is better than a 4:1 ratio of warnings to tickets. We handled 286 criminal complaints in 2016 with August being the busiest month with 36 complaints and December being the slowest month with 12 complaints. We handled 78 Crashes with January and August having the most at 11 each month. As always I encourage the citizens to be actively involved in the safety of your community and report crimes or suspicious activity. We are a 24/7/365 Police Department. You may not find anyone at our office located in the Town Office on the 3 rd floor, but there is always an Officer on duty. The Androscoggin Sheriffs’ Department provides our dispatching. If you call them when you need an officer they will dispatch a Mechanic Falls Police Officer to the call. Thank you for your support. Please do your part to keep our town safe. Jeffrey Goss, Chief of Police The Mechanic Fa ls li t r t country, has be n extremely busy this past y r. r fi i t li f ight people who were suffering fro overdoses. i r v rse the ef ects of Heroin/Opioids when a pers r t t rt r thing again and it saves them from death. At the writin f t i , i lv d with saving eight people. In two of the cases, we w r fir t r lv . he other cases, we were at the scene with Rescue pers l t . I ve heard many people say that we should not be usin . if t le ant to risk their lives by doing drugs and they over i t t t c n go on using and getting high. I believe that most a l f l l in ne d of that life -saving effort. We can be very dis int i i l li i , t I ould like to think that we are understanding and co i t lif . s long as the At orney Generals’ O fice is wi ling t l i l t t can to protect and save lives in Mechanic Falls. O ficer Daigle and fic r i t li f t o individuals who suffered cardiac incidents. O ficer t t tiliz the A that we car y in our cruisers to save one man, ile fi i i i t rin C to a wo an. Daigle and Gagnon both have sinc t rt t i l t more for citizens when they are having a medical e er . i l t r ctive while on duty, but hey will be able to be ter a sist resc it l l t t the basic academy gives us regarding medical ca ls. e have again h tr vehicle stops for traffic violations and i sued 192 cit tio . r r ctive in giving motorists a second chance, so to spe k, t l i i i ti t. here are times that, due to various reasons and circu st , it i t : r tio of warnings to tickets. We handled 286 criminal co laint i i t it c plaints and December being the slowest month wit l i it r ugust having the most at 1 each month. As always I enco r t iti f t f r co unity and report crimes or suspicious activity. We r / / t fi t our of ice located in the Town Office on the 3 rd flo r, t t r i l r in herif s’ Department provides our dispatching. If you ca l t t ic Fal s Police Of icer to the call. Thank you for your s rt. l f . , ief f Police


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