Municipal Department Reports Animal Control Municipal Department Reports Animal Control Municipal Department Reports Animal Control Municipal Department Reports Animal Contr l It istherespon ibilityof theAnimalControlOfficer (ACO)toresp ndtoandinvestigatecom l domestic animals. Duties include ontainment a d transport of st ay, ick or njured, fer l / u anted a d captured do e tic animals.Ifnecessary,theOfficerwillsettrapsto cap ure evasive dom stic animals. The C also performs emerg n animal rescue service. If you are in need of assistance from the Animal Control Officer ple contact the Town ff ce 207-345-2871. If the animal in question is not a domestic animal, ple se contact the M in at W rden Service at 1 228-0857 unicipal Department Reports nimal Contr l It istherespon ibilityof theAnimalControlO ficer (ACO)torespondtoandinv tigatecomplaintsfromcitize s co cerning omestic an mals. Duties include containment and r sport of stray, sick or i ju , feral / unwanted and t r domestic nim ls.Ifnecessary,theOfficerwillsettraps o capture evasive domestic a a s The AC also perf r gency nimal rescu service. If you are in ed of assi tance from the Animal Co t o ficer, please conta t the T O fice at 07-345-2871. If the animal in question is not a d mestic animal, please cont Maine State W rden ce at 1-800- 8-0857 Municipal Department Reports Animal Control It is heresponsibilityof heAnimalControlOfficer (AC )tor ondtoandinvestigate m laintsfromcitizens concerning domestic animals. Duties include containment and transport ay, sick or injured, feral / anted and captured domestic animals.Ifnecessary,theOfficerwillset rapsto capture v omestic an mals. The al o performs e ergency animal rescue s rvice. If you are in need of as istance from Ani al Control Officer, ontact the Town Office at 207-345-2871. If the animal n question is not a domestic i l, please contac the M S te arden S rvic at 1-8 0- 28-0857 unicipal Department Reports Animal Control It isth responsibil tyof theAnimalControl fi r (A O)torespondtoa i stiga ecomplaintsfromcitizens concer ing domestic animals. Duties include contain a d transport of stray, ic r inj red, feral / unwa ted and capture domestic animals.Ifnecessary,theO ficerwillsettra o captur evasi e domes a als. The ACO also pe forms em rgency animal rescue service. If you are i need s istance from the Anima tr l O ficer, please contact the Town Office at 207-345-2871. If the animal in question is t a dom stic animal, pleas c ta t the Maine State Warden Service at 1-800- 28-0857 Mun cipal Department eports Animal Control It istherespons bilityof theA i l ontrolOfficer (ACO)tor pondtoandinvestigatecomplaintsfromcitizens concerning domestic animals. Duties in l ontainment and transport t ay, sick or injured, feral / unwanted and captured domestic animals.Ifnece sary,theO fi willsettrapsto capture ev i e do estic animals. The CO also performs m rg ncy animal rescue service. If yo in n ed of a sistance from e Animal Control O ficer, please contac the Town O fice at 207-345-2871. If the animal i estion is not a domestic i al, please contac the Maine State Warden Service at 1-8 0- 28-0 57 It istheresponsibilityof theAnimalControlOfficer (ACO)torespondtoandinvestigatecomplaintsfromcitizens concerning domestic animals. Duties include containment and transport of stray, sick or injured, feral / unwanted and captured domestic animals.Ifnecessary,theOfficerwillsettrapsto capture evasive domestic animals. The ACO also performs emergency animal rescue service. If you are in need of assistance from the Animal Control Officer, please contact the Town Office at 207-345-2871. If the animal in question is not a domestic animal, please contact the Maine State Warden Service at 1-800- 228-0857 It istheresponsibilityof theAnimalControlOfficer (ACO)torespondtoandinvestigatecomplaintsfromcitizens concerning domestic animals. Duties include containment and transport of stray, sick or injured, feral / unwanted and captured omestic animals.Ifnecessary,theOfficerwillsettrapsto capture evasive domestic animals. The ACO also performs emergency animal rescue service. If you are in ne d of as i tance from the Animal Control Officer, please contact he Town Office at 207-345-2871. If the animal in question is not a domestic animal, please contact the Maine State Warden Service at 1-80 - 2 8-0857 It istheresponsibilityof theAnimalControlOfficer (ACO)toresp ndtoandinvestigatecomplaintsfromcitizens concerning domestic animals. Duties include co tainment and transp rt of stray, sick or injur d, feral / unwanted nd captured domestic animals.Ifnece sary,theOfficerwillsettrapsto capture evasive domestic animals. The ACO also performs emergency animal rescue service. If you are in need of a sistance from the Animal Control Officer, please contact the Town Office at 207-345-2871. If the animal in question is not a domestic animal, please on act the Maine State Warden Service at 1-800- 228-0857 intsfromcitizens concerning
Robert Larrabee Animal Control Officer Code Enforcement & Planning Robert Larrabe Animal Control Officer Code Enforcement & Planning Robert Larrabee Animal Control Officer Code Enforcement & Planning Robert Larrabee Animal Control Officer Code Enforcement & Planning obert La rabe Animal ntrol O ficer ode Enforcement & Planning Robert La rab e Animal Control Officer Code Enforcement & Planning Robert Larrabee Animal Control Officer Code Enforcement & Pla ning Robert Larr b e Animal ontrol O ficer Code Enforc m nt & Pla ing
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