Property Maintenance Lawn Mowing, Bush Hogging, Wood Chipping, Stump Grinding, Brush Removal, Rototilling, Driveway Grading, Snow Removal, and more...
Notes from the Hall
As spring gears up, the Hall is winding down its Wednesday soup/lunch offerings. We have our last Community Lunch on April 19. We do go out with a bang, as the roast beef lunch, faithfully sponsored by Mark H. Dyer, Inc., is always a sellout. Get there early! We would like to thank our March sponsors: Linda White for the Saint Patrick’s Day Community Lunch, Maine Island Energy for the Baked Bean and Bingo Supper, and David Scrase and Melanie Gustafson for two delightful Heritage Soup lunches. We have only two sponsorship slots left for next year’s Community Lunch and Supper program. As always, we are grateful for the strong community support for these programs in terms of sponsors, volunteers, and attendees. We do it for you, but we could not do it without you. Thank you, and see you at the Hall!
Call Nathan Doughty 712-4017 or 846-4133
Never fear! The Thrift Shop will be opening as usual, and we are now accepting donations! As many of you know, the Chebeague Island Grange has closed, but the Island Council, in keeping with its mission, will continue the Thrift Shop. Check the May Calendar and learn how you could win a “private shopping experience” on Opening Day!
Christine Auffant and Sarah Van Fleet will be heading up the volunteers, and you can drop off your treasures, extras, and gently worn items at the former Grange building. Please call Christine at 203-458-8125 or the Council office at 846-4988 if you have any questions or need more information.
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