Island Commons
ISLAND COMMONS RESOURCE CENTER Business Office: 207-846-5610 Administrator: Amy Rich Care Coordinator: Vicki Todd High Quality Elder Care...Serving Chebeague Island and Greater Casco Bay ASSISTED LIVING ~ ADULT DAY CARE ~ IN-HOME CARE ~ RESPITE CARE
PEACE OF MIND...No strings attached! We’ve taken the call too many times: an elder has had a sudden medical issue, or taken a fall, and the need for assisted living is urgent. Frantic family members call Island Commons, but we have several people already on our list for rooms, and the wait could be months or more. Sadly, the only bed available is in a bare bones facility far from the island. You can avoid this situation with one simple step: add your name to our Wait List now... BEFORE you need assisted living! Here’s How it Works... Fill out a simple form with basic information, and we’ll add your name to Island Commons Wait List. There’s no fee, and no obligation. If a room becomes available, we consult our Wait List, offering the room on a priority basis until someone says, “Yes, I’m ready to make a move now”. It’s entirely your decision. If you’re not ready, your name remains on the list gaining priority position over time. You may never need assisted living ...but if you do, wouldn’t it be better to have the option to stay on Chebeague? Add your name to our Wait List now and join us when you’re ready. Call Amy Rich for more information. For nearly 20 years, Island Commons has served ALL members of the Chebeague Island community, enabling our elders to remain in the place they love while receiving excellent care from dedicated and skillled staff. We are committed to the chebeague Island Community... Thank You for Your Support! ~
EVENTS to benefit Island Commons: ANNUAL YARD SALE: Sat, August 6th, 10am at the Hall! RECORD HOP DANCE PARTY: Sat, August 27 th , 8 -11pm at the Hall NEWS: Thanks to a very generous grant from RECOMPENSE FUND and several Island DONORS, we are well on our way toward ! TRANSITIONS: We said goodbye to Bob Habig, who will be sadly missed. A very warm welcome to Jane Hahn, who has taken up residence at Island Commons. REMINDERS: Chebeague Cares In-Home Care is available to those who need occasional assistance with tasks at home… van...THANK YOU for your generous sup- port.
OR enjoy a respite day at Island Com- mons through our Adult Day Care program. Call for
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