Update from the Recompense Fund
Notes from the Historical Society
Governing Board, Class of 2019: Clifton “Chip” Emery Caroline Loder Christopher Rich Gretchen Tonks-Hartling Jackie Doughty Trask The Annual Meeting of the Historical Society will be held June 18 at the Hall, convening at 7:30 p.m. and followed by a program highlighting the Museum’s new exhibit, entitled “Home and Community: Chebeague’s Domestic Architecture, Settlement to 1890.” The proposed Nominations Slate for the Annual Meeting is as follows: Officers: President--Toby Webb Vice President--Mary Holman Recording Secretary--Karen Corson Treasurer--Mary Holt Corresponding Secretary-- Marjorie Munroe Anyone may be nominated or seek nomination by submitting a petition containing the signatures of seven [7] members of the Historical Society to the Recording Secretary at least ten [10] days before the Annual Meeting and posted not fewer than seven [7] days before the meeting. Save the Date: The Museum and Gift Shop will open for the season on June 24 th . The Historical Society’s House Tour will be Tuesday, August 9 from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EBB & THYME BAKERY & TAKEOUT AT THE SLOWBELL CAFÉ OPEN Wednesday thru Sunday 8:30 - 2:00
The Recompense Fund Board is anticipating a very productive grantmaking meeting this July 6 th . We moved our deadline back to May 31 st from September 1 st because Chebeague nonprofits told us they preferred to prepare their proposals before the rush of summer activity. The batch of 2016 proposals is now in the hands of our board for review. Our board will make its grant decisions at the end of the July 6 th meeting. We aim to have grant monies in the hands of grantees by month’s end, much earlier than in past years. We expect to award grants that at least double last year’s total. This will set an all-time high for our philanthropy. Our July 6 th meeting is open to the public and will be held at the Niblic at 5:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served. All nonprofits applying for grants will have the opportunity to present their applications and field questions from the board.
Please join us to hear our remarkable Chebeague nonprofits present their ideas.
Leila Bisharat, President
Charles W. Hal l
Bui lder
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