6 Week Schedule of Classes, Camps, Summer Intensives, Master Classes
TUIT ION 6 Weeks
*Unlimited fees do not include dance camps , intensives, master classes, Yoga, or Zumba fees which are separate. Please see course descriptions. COLLEGE STUDENT AND ALUMNI DISCOUNTS SLA Alumni: Dancers who were students at Studio for the Living Arts Dance Complex when they graduated high school or college are eligible for class discounts of 30% tuition. Current College Students: College students are eligible for a 15% discount on classes. Please email us your current student ID to receive discount.
REGISTRATION is first-come, first served. Many popular classes fill before June so we recommend registering early to secure placement in class. For full classes, please email us and we can recommend an alternate course. There is no registration fee for Summer Session. 50% deposit is due at time of Registration in order to secure placement in class. Balance is due by the first class. Absence from summer classes/camps is non-refundable, non-transferrable. We are unable to pro-rate summer tuition. ONLINE REGISTRATIONS You may register online by following the link provided on our website www.studioforthelivingarts.com. Once registered you will have 24-hour access to your dance account. You can view charges and payments, as well as make payments online at any time. You may also register in person at the studio. LEVEL PLACEMENT All classes are taught with proper terminology, conditioning stretches for flexibility, body awareness for appropriate ages and levels, and creatively challenged in a positive and caring dance environment. We place all children in classes according to skill, ability and improvement, rather than age. Please note: Age reference is merely for “new” student enrollment until instructor has properly observed student’s ability. Returning Students Our goal is to keep each class progressing together at a similar pace while paying attention to the slight mixed level that will naturally arise and change throughout the year. New Students: For dancers who come to us with experience at other studios or who have been absent from us for some time, we need to ask a few questions to familiarize ourselves with your skill level and capabilities. Once the initial placement is determined, the first class is then used as a trial. After the first class the teacher will make an assessment and advise if proper placement has been achieved or if a switch to another class is a better fit. CLASS LEVEL GUIDE: Level 1 Beginner: Basic fundamentals are introduced, including body alignment, vocabulary, and basic positions of the feet & arms. Levels 2-3 Advanced Beginner /intermediate: Each level is structured to provide more advanced training as the student is ready. Levels 4-5 Inter. Advanced/Advanced: These inter. Adv. and Adv. levels are the culmination of study and hard work. Students should possess 5+ years of recent and consistent training.
Monday Studio #2
Monday Studio #3
Tuesday Studio #1
Tuesday Studio #2
Tuesday Studio #3
Monday Studio #1
Monday Studio #2
Monday Studio #3
Tuesday Studio #1
Tuesday Studio #2
Tuesday Studio #3
Monday Studio #1
3:00-3:45pm Creative Movement
3:00-3:45pm Creative Movement Level 1 Age 3-5 Beth 3:45-4:30pm Tap Level 3
Level 1 Age 3-5 Beth
3:30-4:30pm Ballet Level 3 Age 11+ Kate
4:00-4:45pm Lyrical
3:45-4:30pm** Company
3:45-4:30pm Acro/Tumbling Level 1 Age 5-8 Pam
3:45-4:30pm Tap Level 3
3 C C P s V L 4 J L F A L V 5 C L A V
3:45-4:30pm** Company
3:45-4:30pm Acro/Tumbling Level 1 Age 5-8 Pam
Ballet Level 3 Age 11+ Kate
Lyrical Level 1 Age 5-7 Michelle
Level 1 Age 5-7 Michelle
Rehearsals Commercial Jazz Extra Level 3 /4 Victoria
Rehearsals Commercial Jazz Extra Level 3 /4 Victoria
Age 10+ Beth and Cheryl
Age 10+ Beth and Cheryl
4:30-5:00pm Pointe
4:45-5:30pm Lyrical
4:30-5:30pm Contemporary Level 3 Age 11+ Victoria
4:30-5:30pm Acro/Tumbling Level 2 Adv. Beginner Age 8+ Pam
4:30-5:15pm Tap Levels 4/5
4:30-5:00pm Pointe
4:45-5:30pm Lyrical
4:30-5:30pm Contemporary Level 3 Age 11+ Victoria
4:30-5:30pm Acro/Tumbling Level 2 Adv. Beginner Age 8+ Pam
4:30-5:15pm Tap Levels 4/5
4:45-5:30pm Hip-Hop
4:45-5:30pm Hip-Hop
Level 3/4 Age 11+ Kate
Level 1 Age 7+ Michelle
Level 3/4 Age 11+ Kate
Level 1 Age 7+ Michelle
Level 2 Age 8+ Amanda
Age 14+ Beth and Cheryl
Level 2 Age 8+ Amanda
Age 14+ Beth and Cheryl
5:30-6:30pm Hip-Hop Level 3
5:00-6:00pm Ballet Level 4 Age 13+ Kate 6:00-7:00pm Ballet Level 5 Age 13+ Kate 7:00-7:30pm Pointe Level 5 Age 13+ Kate
5:30-6:30pm Lyrical Level 2 Age 9-11 Michelle
5:30-6:30pm Contemporary Level 2 Age 9-11 Victoria 6:30-7:30pm** Commercial Jazz “Heels” Level 4/5 Victoria 7:30-8:15pm Company ** Choreography Commercial Jazz Heels Extra
5:30-6:30pm Acro/Tumbling Inter. - Adv.
5:15-6:00pm Tap / Ballet Level 1 Combo Class Age 6-8 Beth 6:00-6:30pm** Company Choreography Pulse Tap Mini Primary Beth 6:30-7:30pm Musical Theater “Triple Threat”
5:30-6:30pm Hip-Hop Level 3
5:00-6:00pm Ballet Level 4 Age 13+ Kate 6:00-7:00pm Ballet Level 5 Age 13+ Kate 7:00-7:30pm Pointe Level 5 Age 13+ Kate
5:30-6:30pm Lyrical Level 2 Age 9-11 Michelle
5:30-6:30pm Contemporary Level 2 Age 9-11 Victoria 6:30-7:30pm** Commercial Jazz “Heels” Level 4/5 Victoria 7:30-8:15pm Company ** Choreography Commercial Jazz Heels Extra
5:30-6:30pm Acro/Tumbling Inter - Adv.
5:15-6:00pm T p / Ballet Level 1 Combo Class Age 6-8 Beth 6: 0-6:30pm Company Choreograph Pulse Tap Mi Primary Beth 6:30-7:30pm Musical Theater “ riple Threa
Age 11+ Amanda
Levels 3-5 Age 13+ Pam
Age 11+ Amanda
Levels 3-5 Age 13+ Pam
6:30-7:30pm Hip-Hop Level 4
6:30-7:30pm YOGA Adults/Teens Drop Ins Susan Thompson-Brown
6:30-7:15pm Company ** Choreography Acro Level 3/4 Primary Pam
6:30-7:30pm Hip-Hop Level 4
6:30-7:30pm YOGA Adult /Teens Drop Ins Susan Thompso -Brown
6:30-7:15pm Company ** Choreography Acro Level 3/4 Primary Pam
Age 13+ Amanda
Age 13+ Amanda
7:30-8:30pm Hip-Hop Level 5
7:30-8:30pm Hip-Hop Level 5
Age 13+ Amanda
Age 13+ Amanda
Ages 8-14 Multi Level Beth
Ages 8-14 Multi Level Beth
Level 5 Victoria
Level 5 Victoria
*Summer Surprise Dance Classes ~ Every Wednesday a Different Teacher! JULY 13 Derek Piquette / Contemporary Class/ SYTYCD Season 12/Performer 70 Cities Live Tour SYTYCD/ Choreographer Dance Moms Miami Soloists / Miami, FLA JULY 20 Andrea Michaud Tracy / Lyrical Class / Ballet and Contemporary Director Kennebec Dance Ctr / Former Principle Dancer Portland Ballet Co. and Bossov Ballet Theatre/ Augusta, ME JULY 27 Sarah Garceau / Funk Fusion Class/ BA Dean College / Member Unyted Stylz Crew / Instructor several South Shore Dance Studios, MA AUGUST 3 Skooj Core-o (Sarah-Katarina) / Jazz Fusion Class / Director Boston Community Dance Project/Convention Teacher and Adjudicator /Boston MA
BEGINS JULY 11 - AUGUST 18, 2016
Wednesday Studio #2
Wednesday Studio #3
Thursday Studio #1
Thursday Studio #2
Thursday Studio #3
ednesday Studio#1
We nesday Studio#1
We nesday Studio #2
We nesday Studio #3
Thursday Studio #1
Thursday Studio #2
Thursday Studio #3
00-4:00pm ** mpany oreography lse extras lo, duo, trio ctoria vels 2-5
3:30-4:00pm Pointe
3:00-3:45pm ** Company Choreography Contemporary Level 4 Primary Victoria 3:45-4:45pm Contemporary Level 4 Age 13+ Victoria 4:45-5:45pm Contemporary Level 2/3 Ages 11-15 Victoria 5:45-7:15pm Contemporary Level 5 Age 13+ Victoria 7:15-8:00pm** Company Choreography Contemporary Extra
3: -4:00pm ** Company Choreography Pulse extras solo, duo, trio Victoria Levels 2-5 4: -5:00pm Jazz with Leaps, Turns, Flexibility
3 3 -4:00pm Pointe
00-3:45pm **
Company Choreography Contemporary Level 4 Primary Victoria 3 -4:45pm Contemporary Level 4 Age 13+ Victoria 4 -5:45pm Contemporary Level 2/3 Ages 11-15 Victoria 5 4 -7:15pm Contemporary Level 5 Age 13+ Victoria 7 15-8:00pm** Company Choreography Contemporary Extra
Level 3/4 Age 12+ Kate
Level 3/4 Age 12+ Kate
00-5:00pm zz with aps, Turns, exibility
4:00-5:00pm Ballet
3:30-4:30pm SUMMER SURPRISE Leaps, Turns, Flexibility Level 4/5 Guest Faculty 4:30-6:00pm* SUMMER SURPRISE Level 5 Guest Faculty 6:00-7:30pm* SUMMER SURPRISE Level 3/4 Guest Faculty
4 -5:00pm Ballet
3 -4:30pm SUMMER SURPRISE Leaps, Turns, F exibility Level 4/5 Guest Faculty 4 3 -6:00pm* SUMMER SURPRISE Level 5 Guest Faculty 6 0 -7:30pm* SUMMER SURPRISE Level 3/4 Guest Faculty
Level 3/4 Age 11+ Kate
Level 3/4 Age 11+ Kate
e 8+ vel 2 ctoria
Age 8+ Level 2 Victoria
00-6:00pm mmercial Jazz vel 3/4 e 11-Teens ctoria
5:00-6:00pm Ballet Level 2 Age 8-10 Kate 6:00-7:00pm Ballet Level 5 Age 13+ Kate 7:00-7:30pm Pointe Level 5 Age 13+ Kate Pointe Level 5 Age 13+ Kate
4:45-5:45pm Acro /Tumbling Inter. - Adv. Levels 3/5 Age 13+ Jess 5:45-6:45pm Acro/Tumbling Level 2/3 Ages 8-12 Jess
5:00-5:45pm Kids Hip Hop
5: -6:00pm Commercial Jazz Level 3/4 Age 11-Teens Victoria
5 -6:00pm Ballet Level 2 Age 8-10 Kate 6 -7:00pm Ballet Level 5 Age 13+ Kate
4:45-5:45pm Acro /Tumbling Inter. - Adv. Levels 3/5 Age 13+ Jess 5:45-6:45pm Acro/Tumbling Level 2/3 Ages 8-12 Jess
5:00-5:45pm Kids i Hop Level 1
Level 1 Age 6-8 Stefanie
Age 6-8 St fanie
5:45-6:30pm ZUMBA Adults/Teens
5:45-6:30pm ZUMBA Adults/Teens
Drop Ins Stefanie
Drop Ins St fanie
6:45-7:30pm Jazz
0 -7:30pm
6:45-7:30pm Jazz
Level 1/2 Ages 7-9 Stefanie
Level 1/2 Ages 7-9 St fanie
Level 5 Victoria
Level 5 Victoria
AUGUST 10 Tucker Knox / Contemporary Class / SYTYCD Season 10 / Trained: Denise Walls, Williamsburg Ballet, The Juilliard School / Tucker Knox/Boston MA AUGUST 17 Ian Patrick Tanzer / Ballet Class/ TV series "Breaking Pointe" / Boston Ballet / Sacramento Ballet/ Ballet West II/ Sarasota Ballet , FLA **Summer Company Classes Company Classes are summer choreography sessions for Pulse Dance Company by audition. To inquire, please email Director, Susan Cloutier @ studioforthelivingarts@yahoo.com
HELD:SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2016 @ 2PM
Established in 1992, “Pulse” Dance Company is a comprehensive training program that combines superior instruction, performance/competition opportunities, and a strong connection to community service.
New Season Pulse Training Program Begins 7~11-16
BALLET/POINTE is essential to building a solid dance education. A classical form of dance which concentrates on barre, centre floor, proper body alignment, and technique. Pre-Pointe/Pointe work is available by teacher permission. Twice a week summer training is recommended for ballet levels 2-5. Pointe work is available by teacher permission. Pointe students must be enrolled in 2 ballet classes per week. * By age 9, many students have taken a few years of training and are ready for more of a challenge. It is recommended that all students ages 9 and up enroll in one ballet class per week. Two ballet classes per week will help students 11 and up reach their goals and prepare them for pointe class. LYRICAL Class is designed for dancers looking to grow and challenge themselves with technique, style, and artistry. A song's lyrics are a driving force and key inspiration for the movement. A solid ballet-based technique is an essential component of this style of dance as is various other forms of jazz and modern dance. CONTEMPORARY dance is a style of expressive dance that combines elements of several dance genres, including modern, jazz, lyrical and ballet. Contemporary dancer combines fluid dance movement and technique. TAP Basic steps are introduced and turned into fun and challenging combinations. Emphasis will be placed on learning technique, timing, rhythm and syncopation. JAZZ CLASS WITH LEAPS, TURNS, FLEXIBILITY Jazz is a popular form of dance that combines many styles and techniques from traditional to contemporary. Class work: technique, isolations, flexibility/strengthening exercises, turns and leaps, across the floor progressions and dance combinations. CREATIVE MOVEMENT This popular class is designed for our youngest dance enthusiasts who want to express their independence without the assistance of mom or dad. Class combines elements of beginner Ballet, Rhythmic Skills, and Dance Appreciation. Students explore creative movement in a fun, encouraging atmosphere. TAP/BALLET COMBINATION CLASS Ages 5-8 . One of the oldest and most highly successful programs, children learn the disciplines of ballet while developing a sense of rhythm and musicality through the basics of tap dance. ACRO/TUMBLING Students learn a variety of skills including walkovers, flips, handsprings, aerials, and more. Additional focus is also placed on core strengthening exercises and increasing flexibility. Acro can be incorporated into dance, cheerleading and gymnastics.
COMMERCIAL JAZZ LEVEL 3/4 This intermediate level class will consist of weekly warm ups focusing on strong technique, across the floor jumps and turns, and dance combinations. Commercial jazz choreography is an edgier style of jazz that often incorporates sharp movement and floor work. Examples of commercial dance would be professional dance teams, music videos, and most of the numbers on SYTYCD. COMMERCIAL JAZZ LEVEL 4/5 “HEELS” CLASS FOR TEENS Commercial jazz is a stylized dance form is similar to styles seen in music videos for Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears and Janet Jackson. Class will begin with a warm up to be done in bare feet, preparing the body to later jump into a fierce commercial jazz combination done in heels.! “Heels” will incorporate genres of jazz and funk and class is recommended for the intermediate advanced+ dancer age 14 and up. This class uses mature music and movement quality. Footwear: Bring heels you feel reasonably comfortable walking in, they can be to be 1 inch character shoes stilettos, Latin dance heels, boots, etc.. Feel free to bring a couple different pairs to try. HIP-HOP Warm-up, strength, stretches, and isolation segments are followed by combinations and choreography. Hip hop is urban, it’s street, it’s diverse, and forever changing! MUSICAL THEATER Our popular and unique “Triple Threat” Musical Theater summer program will have students working with all aspects of Musical Theatre. Classes include voice, acting, reading scripts, studying scenes, and learning dance choreography to Broadway musicals. This GLEE-like class is a very popular and an amazingly fun multi-age/level program. No experience is necessary for this fun-filled and enriching course. SUMMER SURPRISE DANCE CLASS will feature a different visiting guest teacher each week. The Summer Surprise Series is the place to be for intermediate and advanced dancers who want to gain the experience of taking class with master instructors and choreographers in an intimate studio setting. Technique and choreography will be presented in a variety of dance genres. See our 6 week schedule for a complete listing of this amazing opportunity to train with a variety of instructors and dance styles. Wednesdays 4:30-6pm Level 5 Advanced, Wednesdays 6-7:30pm Levels 3/4 Intermediate. Dancers from outside SLA Dance Complex are welcome to enroll! ZUMBA Adults and Teens: Latin inspired fitness program. Registration and $5 drop in fee submitted to Instructor. Join the Dance Party and stay fit this summer! YOGA Adults and Teens: Vinyasa yoga incorporates breathing and movement through flowing sequences of poses or asanas. Please bring: yoga mat, towel, and water. We will have a few extra mats. Registration and $10 drop in fee submitted to Instructor.
Sa s h a Ya p p a r o v Summe r Ba l l e t In t e n s i v e JULY 18 - JULY 29, 2016 This 3 level program is designed for students age 10 and up to further explore the beautiful world of ballet. A well-balanced daily schedule of classes will include Ballet Technique, Pre-Pointe / Pointe class, Variations, Choreography, Modern, Character, and dancer wellness. In addition to Sasha Yapparov, faculty will include Catherine Batcheller, Dean of the Cincinnati Ballet’s Otto M. Budig Academy, Kailtyn Hayes, Nicole Getchell, and Mary Stride. Dancers attending the full two weeks will participate in a final off-site performance for friends and families, location (TBA). This is a wonderful opportunity for dancers to learn more
about ballet and have summer fun! Intermediate - Advanced Levels: 9:30am -3:00pm Monday - Friday $275 (1 week) July 18-22 $525 (2 weeks ) July 18-29 Advanced Beginner Level: 9:30am -12:30pm Monday - Friday $175 (1 week) July 18-22 $325 (2 weeks) July 18-29
Registrations are now open. For more information please visit: www.studioforthelivingarts.com or contact sasha.yapparov@gmail.com
Children’s Dance Camps For all children’s camps, dancers are broken into age appropriate groups. Dancers will need to bring: Any type of non-restrictive dancewear/clothing.
Dancers will learn jazz and hip hop techniques and dance to their favorite songs from the movie. Each day campers will create cool crafts, dress up like their favorite Descendants characters and watch scenes from the movie. Snack is included. Full Day, 9am-4pm. Fee $65
Dance shoes: ballet shoes, jazz shoes, or bare feet is fine as well. Please pack a nut free snack and a drink. Full Day: Please pack lunch. Please let us know if your dancer has any food allergies.
SOFIA THE FIRST TEA AND DANCE PARTY WEDNESDAY JULY 13 Celebrate dance with our friendly, kind, adventurous and favorite 8 year old Princess Sofia! Creative movement, dancing with props, arts and crafts and re-enacting stories from Sofia the First! We'll celebrate with a Royal Tea Party. Half Day, 9:00am – Noon. Fee $35
Princess Camp is unique, enchanting and full of fun! Dancers will learn basic ballet steps as they dance to the popular Disney music from the soundtracks of Frozen, Tinkerbelle, Cinderella, Tangled, and Snow White. Also attending is our all-star cast of live princesses who will create a dance experience that will not be forgotten! Our in character and costumed performers are gifted and trained dancers who love children and will bring your child's favorite fairy tale character to life. Ages 3-8
Full Day 9am-4pm. Fee $65 Half Day 9am-noon $35
Dance Birthday Parties First hour the studio provides instructor and a 1 hour dance class of your choice. We have many themes to choose from such as Hip-Hop, Acro/Tumbling, Musical Theater, and Once Upon a Princess Parties. The second hour (planned by parent) is the Birthday Celebration! You may bring in pizza, cake, ice cream, open presents, play games, etc. “Once Upon a Princess” birthday parties are dedicated exclusively to making your event magical and enchanting as only princesses can make it. Our performers are gifted and trained dancers who love children and will bring your child's favorite fairy tale character to life. Frozen’s Anna and Elsa, Tinker Bell, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow White, and Belle are all available for your special day. Visit us online and follow the Dance Birthday party link.
NUTCRACKER AUDITIONS Comi ng t h i s Fa l l ! wi th El izabeth Avantaggio and Kate Smedal September 10, 2016 The Nutcracker is a professional production of Studio for the Living Arts Dance Complex for ballet students. Nutcracker auditions are also open to ballet dancers from any school. We have many roles to cast! Our annual December Nutcracker performance features variations from the full length version of the Nutcracker , Acts I and II and we typically cast 175-200 performers. Our Nutcracker 2016 Handbook will be available soon on our website. Details to include production rehearsal details, costuming and more. DRESS CODE: DANCE ATTIRE AND FOOTWEAR Available for purchase at the studio **Hair pulled back and securely fastened for all classes. No jewelry in class BALLET LEVELS I THROUGH IV
TAP Leotard or tank top Dance shorts or pants Tap shoes
Hair in a bun Black leotard Pink tights Pink split-sole ballet shoes
HIP HOP Comfortable dance clothes. No jeans, dresses or skirts. Sneakers. No street shoes allowed in the dance rooms. Please bring a change of shoes for class
BALLET LEVEL V Hair in a bun Solid color leotard of your choice Pink tights Pink split-sole ballet shoes JAZZ Leotard or crop tank top Dance shorts or dance pants Jazz shoes or half sole shoes CONTEMPORARY/LYRICAL Leotard or crop tank top Dance shorts or dance pants Bare feet or half sole shoes
MUSICAL THEATER Leotard or crop tank top Dance shorts or dance pants Jazz shoes or bare feet
CREATIVE MOVEMENT/COMBO CLASSES Leotard (any color) Tutu/Skirt optional (any color) Tights optional Pink ballet slippers /Tap Shoes for Combo Classes
CONTACT US: (207)657-3006 Director, Susan Cloutier e-mail: studioforthelivingarts@yahoo.com Web: www.studioforthelivingarts.com Mail: Studio for the Living Arts Dance Complex, Gray Shopping Plaza , 21 Portland Rd., Suite 2 Gray, Me 04039
DIRECTIONS We are located in the Gray Shopping Plaza, 21 Portland Rd., Gray. When using the interstate use Exit 63 of the Maine Turnpike in Gray then turn right to the first set of lights at Gray Corner. Take a right onto Route 100 south. The Gray Shopping Plaza will be on your left. LOCKER RENTALS The studio provides locker rentals for students to store their dance attire/shoes to alleviate bringing them back and forth to classes each week. Locker rental fees and rental agreement forms are available online on our website.
Join us for our 25 th Anniversary Season! Fal l classes begin September 12, 2016
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