The Ladies Aid Society
The Ladies Aid Society of the United Methodist Church of Chebeague Island meets every Thursday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Parish House. Anyone interested in handicrafts and sociability is welcome. If you’ve always wanted to learn how to knit, crochet, embroider, or make crafty items, we’re always willing to share our skills. Ladies Aid holds two fairs each year to raise funds to support the island community and church. We are a multi-denominational group who enjoy the fellowship of our island community. Each Thursday, we bring our lunches to eat together and have a short meeting before we adjourn. Please join us! For more information: Contact Jane Frizzell, President, or Karen Corson and Alyson Smith, Secretaries.
Sew Good meets the fourth Wednesday of the month; our next gathering will be May 25th at the Parish House. We will be finishing tying the quilt to be raffled for the “Lost at Sea” Memorial. Please join us to share, start, or complete a project.
For more information or any Questions: Call Lola Armstrong at 846-4737 or Karen Corson at 846-0938.
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