
Chebeague UMC May News Priscilla Dreyman, Fill-in Pastor (cell) 207-899-5689 / Pastor Melissa Yosua-Davis (after May 14 th ) (office)846-4106 chebeaguechurch@chebeague.net

Job Well Done: Pastor Priscilla Dreyman has done a wonderful job assisting us during Pastor Melissa’s maternity leave. Navigating a congregation through Holy Week is, I’m sure, usually hard and then add to it being in a new community. We thank her for her guidance and thoughtfulness. Her visits to the Island Commons were appreciated by all. She organized a special craft, planned for May 1st, as well as a memorial service, in March, to remember all the residents lost this winter. Please come help us thank her on her last Sunday, May 15 th . Administrative Assistant wanted: The Chebeague United Methodist Church is looking for a flexible person interested in working for the church. Applicants should have working knowledge of Word and QuickBooks; good organizing, phone, and mail-filing skills; and the ability to maintain confidentiality. Minimum, 4 hr/ week at $15/hr. For more information or an application, please contact Polly Wentworth at 207-233-8382 or pkwentworth@chebeague.net . Parental Leave: Melissa will be returning from maternity leave on May 14 th , with her first Sunday back on May 22 nd .

Methodist Workshop on Racism, Saturday, May 7, 2016, Hope Gate Way, 509 Forest Ave., Portland, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We need several people to represent Chebeague at this important workshop. Given the boat schedule, it is no problem if we arrive at 9 a.m. Mechuwana Camp Opportunities for Kids and Youth: Connect with our UnitedMethodist camp up inWinthrop, Maine! For more information or an application, email the church or visit http://www.mechuwana.org/ . Baptism Records: The church is trying to fill out its baptism records. If you or someone in your family was baptized at CIUMC between 1978 and 2000, please let us know so that our records will be complete. UMCmarket - Support CIUMC while you do your online shopping! Visit www.umcmarket.org and sign up at no cost to you. Questions? Contact the church office, or visit the market to learn more.

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