Chebeague Island Library
846-4351 phone • 846-4358 fax cheblib@hotmail.com http://chebeague.chebeague.lib.me.us/ winnebago/search/search.asp
Library Hours - WINTER HOURS still in effect! Summer hours begin after Memorial Day.
Introducing the Seed Library
Monday Tuesday
4 PM – 8 PM 10 AM – 1 PM 4 PM – 8 PM 10 AM – 1 PM 10 AM – 1 PM
It’s almost time to plant!
NEW MOVIES Ex Machina Bridge of Spies Carol Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Martian NEW BOOKS About Face by Donna Leon Friends in High Places by Donna Leon When the Emperor Was Divine by Julie Otsuka Submission by Michel Houellebecq The Sea and Civilization by Lincoln Paine The Year of Lear by James Shapiro The Circled Shore by Robert Libby My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem
How many times have you bought a package of zucchini seeds and only planted half? Or wished you could try a new variety of beans but didn’t want a whole packet of seeds? The Seed Library to the rescue! Come by to pick up a few seeds, or leave a few extra you may have.
“Check out” the Seed Library today!
One Man’s Island by Bob Libby
This month marks the flowering on Chebeague. Starting with the earliest blossoming magnolias in yards down many side roads and the towering dogwoods behindMarks’ house and continuing with the pink and white apple and pear blossoms. Standing on the wharf on Cousins on the first warm afternoon, one notices the thrilling blush of buds on the crowns of all the hardwoods soon to leaf out on Chebeague’s western shore. Daffodils, tulips, and hyacinth bloom in the fields and yards by every road. Azaleas, viburnum, and bleeding hearts line the border gardens. Lupine spikes are set to burst in Newcomb’s Field, and the glorious mountains of forsythia have their shining moment, notably where John Small Road turns east by Phipps’house.
Close your eyes and imagine the glorious blooms of Mothers’ Day, a magical, aromatic moment on our fragile island paradise.
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