Article 31. To see what sum not to exceed $41,374.00 (Forty One Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Four Dollars) the Town will vote to appropriate for the purchase of a Lifepak Cardiac Monitor and a Power Pro Stryker Stretcher for the Fire/ Rescue Department for fiscal year 2017-2018. Said money to come from
Undesignated Surplus. Requested $41,374.00 Selectmen Recommend $41,374.00
Yes 4 No 0 Absent 1
Budget Committee Recommends $41,374.00
Yes 6 No 0
Article 32. To see what sum not to exceed $16,000.00 (Sixteen Thousand Dollars) the Town will vote to appropriate for the shingling/repair of the Chicopee Fire Station roof for fiscal year 2017-2018. Saidmoney to come fromUndesignated Surplus. Requested $16,000.00 Selectmen Recommend $16,000.00 Yes 4 No 0 Absent 1 Budget Committee Recommends $16,000.00 Yes 6 No 0 Article 33. To see what sum not to exceed $54,641.00 (Fifty Four Thousand Six Hundred Forty One Dollars) the Town will vote to appropriate for the fourth payment of a five year lease/purchase agreement for the purchase of a Tanker/Pumper Fire Truck for the Buxton Fire/Rescue Department, pursuant to the vote taken underArticle 35Annual Town Meeting June 14, 2014 for fiscal year 2017-2018. Requested $54,641.00 Selectmen Recommend $54,641.00 Yes 4 No 0 Absent 1 Budget Committee Recommends $54,641.00 Yes 6 No 0 Article 34. To see what sum not to exceed $1,036,918.00 (One Million Thirty Six Thousand Nine Hundred Eighteen Dollars) the Town will vote to be used for the Buxton Police Department for fiscal year 2017-2018 as follows: Requested Selectmen Budget Comm. Police Department $690,654.00 $690,654.00 $638,035.00 Dispatch $298,303.00 $298,303.00 $298,303.00 Animal Control $ 40,961.00 $ 40,961.00 $ 40,961.00 Pre-Employment Testing $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 Requested $1,036,918.00 Selectmen Recommend $1,036,918.00 Yes 4 No 0 Absent 1 Budget Committee Recommends $987,559.00 Yes 6 No 0
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