
Town of Buxton Selectmen’s Report 2016/2017 (Cont.)

2016. Rita Anderson cut the ribbon and speeches were read. A big “thank you” goes out to Chad Poitras and the Buxton-Hollis Historical Society for the work put into making that a success. The new marijuana law is going to keep us busy for the next year. The State put a moratorium on the law until February, 2018. The Town has until then to decide if we allow sales processing, growing, lab work, and recreational smoking establishments within our community. As usual, there is plenty of work to be done. Anew addition is being proposed for the Buxton Police Department that will be presented to voters as a warrant article at the June Town Meeting. The best part of our annual report is where we get to thank all of our employees and all of you who volunteer your time to make programs work in our community. Without all of you, it just wouldn’t work. You are the greatest. Thank you! Respectfully submitted,

_________________________ Clifford L. Emery, Selectman

_________________________ Jean C. Harmon, Selectman

_________________________ Dennis P. Santolucito, Selectman

_________________________ Chad E. Poitras, Selectman

__________________________ Mark J. Blier, Selectman


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