TOWN OF BUXTON Warrant for the December 14, 2016 Special Town Meeting
State of Maine County of York, ss. To: _______________________a Constable for the Town of Buxton in the County of York and State of Maine GREETINGS: In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby requested to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town of Buxton qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Municipal Building at the Municipal Complex at 185 Portland Road in said Buxton on the 14th day of December A.D. 2016 (December 14, 2016) at 7:00 p.m. (seven o’clock) in the evening to act on the following Articles: Article 1. To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting
Article 2.
To see what sum not to exceed $39,405.25 (Thirty Nine Thousand Four Hundred Five Dollars and Twenty Five Cents) to reconcile the following accounts from fiscal year 2015-2016. Said money to come from Undesignated Surplus.
Account Name Amount Miscellaneous $ 4,139.72 Fire-Rescue/Fire $20,407.46 Police Transfer Station $12,585.71 Ancient Cemeteries $ 2,272.36 Total $39,405.25
Article 3.
Shall the Town vote to accept Davis Road of Daniels Estates Subdivision, an existing private road in Buxton, as a Town owned and maintained road. Davis Road is located on the southerly side of Old Thompson Road in the Chicopee area of Buxton, Tax Map 2, Lot 59. To see what sum not to exceed $5,850.00 (Five Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars) the Town will vote to add to the existing Fire-Rescue budget for Fiscal Year 2016/17 for snow plowing. Said money to come from Undesignated Surplus.
Article 4.
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