
Article 40.

To see what sum not to exceed $4,400.00 (Four Thousand Four Hundred Dollars) the Town will vote to appropriate for monitoring and testing fees for the Closed Landfill on Town Farm and Church Hill Roads for fiscal year 2016-2017. Requested $4,400.00 Selectmen Recommend $4,400.00 Yes 5 No 0 Budget Committee Recommends $4,400.00 Yes 5 No 0 Absent 2 Shall the Town of Buxton vote to appropriate a sum of money for Buxton’s share of a Regional Public Access Facility. Said amount shall not exceed the amount that the Town receives from Cable Company Franchise Fees each year. Requested amount is $27,800.00 (Twenty Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars) for fiscal year 2016- 2017. Requested $27,800.00 Selectmen Recommend $27,800.00 Yes 5 No 0 Budget Committee Recommends $25,000.00 Yes 4 No 1 Absent 2 To see what sum not to exceed $707,474.00 (Seven Hundred Seven Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Four Dollars) the Town will vote to appropriate for the Public Works Department for fiscal year 2016-2017 as follows: Requested Selectmen Budget Comm. General maintenance of

Article 41.

Article 42.

highways, bridges, culverts, street signs, brush removal, and salaries Snow and ice removal

$425,230.00 $128,960.00 $ 99,344.00 $ 53,940.00

$425,230.00 $128,960.00 $ 99,344.00 $ 53,940.00

$425,230.00 $128,960.00 $ 99,344.00 $ 53,940.00

Equipment repairs

Winter Sand

Total Requested $707,474.00 Selectmen Recommend $707,474.00

Yes 5 No 0

Budget Committee Recommends $707,474.00

Yes 5 No 0 Absent 2



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