
TOWN OF BUXTON Warrant for the August 6, 2015 Special Town Meeting

Article 1.

To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting David Harmon was elected moderator

Article 2.

To see what sum not to exceed $12,000.00 (Twelve Thousand Dollars) the Town will vote to approve for the Code Enforcement Officer’s salary. Said money to come from Undesignated Surplus. Chair ruled affirmative vote, passed as written

TOWN OF BUXTON Warrant for the October 14, 2015 Special Town Meeting

Article 1.

To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting Hiram Davis was elected moderator

Article 2.

To see what sum not to exceed $59,128.98 (Fifty Nine Thousand One Hundred Twenty Eight Dollars and Ninety Eight Cents) to reconcile the following accounts from fiscal year 2014-2015. Said money to come from Undesignated Surplus. Account Name Amount Legal $ 8,924.02 Retirement $ 684.68 Police/Dispatch $47,413.03 Fire/Rescue/Fire Police $ 388.17 Street Lights $ 1,719.08 Total $59,128.98

Chair ruled affirmative vote, passed as written


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