to respond with our trained EMTs or a fire requiring our Fire Department to respond with our full-time and volunteer firefighters as well as our Fire Police to direct traffic at the scene. Our Police Department is on duty protecting our town 24 hours a day ready to respond as needed as well as doing wellness checks for elderly and disabled folks. Our Public Works Department has the reputation of maintaining our winter roads in better condition than any town around us and during the rest of the year they are busy clearing roadside brush, replacing culverts, ditching, paving, and maintaining our roads. When you go to the Transfer Station you always find friendly employees eager to assist you. Our Recreation Department offers many programs to all ages from after care for young children to foliage bus trips for senior citizens. From the longest employed to the newest hire, the Board of Selectmen appreciates each and every one. It is our pleasure to work with the dedicated men and women who make the Town of Buxton such a great place to live and work.
The Buxton Board of Selectmen is pleased to dedicate this year’s Town Report to the employees of the Town of Buxton. The employees of the town are the ones on the front line. They deal with the day-to-day issues and are truly the people who keep the town running smoothly and efficiently. Whether it is a department head, full or part-time employee, seasonal or per diem, each and every one is an asset not only to the Town but to the citizens of the community. When you go into the Town Hall to register a vehicle, pay property taxes, register a boat and trailer, get a fishing or hunting license, register to vote, get a marriage license, etc., someone is always there eager to help and serve you. Our Code Enforcement Office is there to issue permits for your building projects. If there is an emergency and you call 911, our Dispatch takes your information and directs the appropriate service in response. It may be a medical emergency and require Rescue
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