Nebs ® or McBee ®
Deluxe ® or Safeguard ®
Standard McBee holes
Standard Safeguard holes
St n ard McBee holes
St n ard Safeguard holes
One-Write Pantograph Colors
Deluxe ® or Safeguard ®
Nebs ® or McBee ®
blue, gray, green, gold & rose
blue, green, rose & gold
Pegboards Available McBee Style: Navy Blue, Black, Brown
Safeguard Style: Navy Blue, Black, Brown, Green
Journals: Available for some One-Write checks in packages of 50 or 100 Pegboard - One write system checks Compatible with all Deluxe ® , Nebs ® , McBee ® & Safeguard ® round hole formats. Duplicate checks available.
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