The South Portland Parks & Recreation Staff S o u t h P o r t l a n d P a r k s ~ R e c r e a t i o n ~ W a t e r f r o n t ~ Rick Towle Director rtowle@southportland.org Sarah Neuts Parks Superintendent sneuts@southportland.org John “Linky” Esrkine Parks Foreperson jerskine@southportland.org Enrico Perruzzi Parks Foreperson eperruzzi@southportland.org Kevin Adams Senior Leisure Services Manager kadams@southportland.org Lisa Thompson Senior Leisure Services Manager lthompson@southportland.org Sabrina Best Leisure Services Manager sbest@southportland.org Whitney Dorsett Recreation Coordinator wdorsett@southportland.org Pia Seddon Recreation Specialist pseddon@southportland.org Michelle Fickett Administrative Assistant mfickett@southportland.org Stella Main Front Desk Attendant smain@southportland.org Stephen Dunn Front Desk Attendant sdunn@southportland.org Kari Filieo Front Desk Attendant kfilieo@southportland.org Patrick McArdle Aquatics Coordinator pmcardle@southportland.org Lesley Hurley Aquatics Supervisor lhurley@southportland.org Robert Carter Aquatics Supervisor rcarter@southportland.org Ronald Dion Building Maintenance Supervisor rdion@southportland.org Mark Henderson Building Maintenance mhenderson@southportland.org Glenn Carter Building Maintenance gcarter@southportland.org Barbara Romano Recreation Secretary bromano@southportland.org
207-767-7650 • www.southportland.org
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