5. A registered dispensary may not be open to the public between the hours of 8:00 pm and 7:00 am. 6. Sufficient measures must be in place at all times to prevent smoke or odor from exiting a registered dispensary or registered cultivation facility.
b. Registered dispensaries must be located in area defined as Business/Commercial and Light Commercial Districts as of July 1, 2015 with a minimum of 500 feet from any public or private school, public library, playground, public park, church, chapel, parish house, other place of worship, or daycare measured by straight line from the dispensary property line to the property line of the protected location. c. The facility may exist in the Town of Buxton and is limited to 2500 square feet. d. Hours of operation shall be between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Saturday. Amend Article 9.8 Land Use Regulations, section Table B Land Use of the Buxton Zoning Ordinance as follows? (Additions are bold and underlined, deletions are strikethrough). TABLE B - LAND USE V Res Ru S RP BC LC Medical Marijuana Dispensaries 11.27 N N N N N E E (The Planning Board Recommends) Shall an ordinance titled “Fire Protection Ordinance” be enacted? Fire Protection Ordinance Amend Article 10 – Performance Standards – General Requirements as follows: (Additions are bold and underlined, deletions are strikethrough). Table B. Land Use (continued)* Ref
Article 62.
10.17 Fire Protection 10.17.A – PURPOSE:
The purpose of this Fire Protection performance standard is to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of Buxton by establishing fire protection measures for residential and commercial occupancies. The performance standard will facilitate the following initiatives:
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