RTMT Article #14 85,419 - 85,419 78,300 7,119 RTMT Article #14 90,050 - 90,050 83,641 6,409 Twelve town group 200 - 200 200 - Web page maintenance 1,700 - 1,700 1,700 - Comprehensive planning comm 2,000 - 2,000 - 2,000 Misc. 36,000 - 36,000 38,651 (2,651) Voter registration: Salaries 12,764 - 12,764 10,651 2,113 Other 500 - 500 269 231 Board of Appeals 250 - 250 220 30 Planning Board: Salaries 5,040 - 5,040 1,580 3,460 Other 3,250 2,370 5,620 242 5,378 Twelve town group 300 - 300 300 - Web page maintenance 1,700 - 1,700 1,700 - Misc. 36,000 - 36,000 32,505 3,495 Voter registration: Salaries 9,374 2,113 11,487 8,124 3,363 Other 450 231 681 1,598 (917) Board of Appeals 200 - 200 160 40 Planning Board: Salaries 4,550 - 4,550 562 3,988 Other 3,250 2,870 6,120 735 5,385
SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2013 Original Budget Final Variance Budget Adjustments Budget Actual Positive (Negative) Administration salaries 329,200 $ 5,720 $ 334,920 $ 318,497 $ 16,423 $ FICA/medicare 168,823 - 168,823 164,344 4,479 General insurance 463,352 15,000 478,352 444,867 33,485 Occupany costs 45,250 - 45,250 46,959 (1,709) Telephone 4,300 - 4,300 4,295 5 Legal 29,950 - 29,950 50,334 (20,384) Supplies 33,700 - 33,700 31,534 2,166 Postage 9,500 - 9,500 9,489 11 Accounting 6,750 - 6,750 6,750 - Town reports 8,004 - 8,004 10,407 (2,403) Assessing 19,000 - 19,000 19,000 - SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIO FOR THE EAR ENDED JU E 30, 2014 Original Budget Final Variance Budget Adjustments Budget Actual Positive (Negative) General government: Administration salaries 345,800 $ - $ 345,800 $ 312,690 $ 33,110 $ FICA/medicare 182,574 - 182,574 170,822 11,752 General insurance 490,314 15,000 505,314 433,333 71,981 Occupany costs 45,500 - 45,500 45,789 (289) Telephone 5,000 - 5,000 5,169 (169) Legal 29,950 - 29,950 39,931 (9,981) Supplies 33,900 - 33,900 31,602 2,298 Postage 9,000 - 9,000 9,170 (170) Accounting 6,750 - 6,750 6,750 - Town reports 6,800 - 6,800 4,880 1,920 Assessing 20,000 - 20,000 20,000 -
Code Enforcement: Salaries 111,758 - 111,758 110,182 1,576 Other 2,550 - 2,550 1,858 692 1,405,127 47,619 1,452,746 1,370,270 82,476 Code Enforcement: Salaries 113,794 - 113,794 105,978 7,816 Other 1,850 202 2,052 1,572 480 1,458,938 35,936 1,494,874 1,344,679 150,195
Televised meetings 3,367 5,128 8,495 2,570 5,925 Televised meetings 3,367 2,000 5,367 5,367 -
Municipal bldg. repair 12,500 2,406 14,906 5,385 9,521 Records restoration 2,500 3,423 5,923 3,500 2,423 Voting boxes - 11,650 11,650 - 11,650 Technology 5,000 1,922 6,922 7,563 (641) Revitalization 2,500 - 2,500 923 1,577 Municipal bldg. repair 9,965 9,521 19,486 9,782 9,704 Records restoration 2,500 2,422 4,922 5,368 (446) Technology 5,000 - 5,000 5,638 (638) Revitalization 1,000 1,577 2,577 1,513 1,064
General government: G neral government:
General government:
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