Lien Receivables (As of 6/30/2014)
Lien Receivables (As of 6/30/2014) 2008 Lien Receivables
Map Lot Lien Receivables (As of 6/30/2014) 2008 Lien Receivables Li n Receivables (As of 6/30/2014) 2008 L en R ceivables Address
2010 Lien Receivables as of 6/30/2011 Continued
Map Lot
Map L
Total Due
Total Due
Total Due
Mcleese, Barbara A Hanf, Peter / Town of Buxton Name
177 Old Orchard Road Address
Map Lot
Total Due
* 0003-0059 * 0006-069A * 0004-0051-2 * 0004-0051-3 * 0007-0070B * 0006-0007 * 0006-0068 * 0010-0025C * 0010-0114 * 00010131 * 0004-0074A * 0007-010A * 0002-091F * 0010-0152 * 0003-0098-3 * 0002-0029C * 0005-0035-3 * 001A-0108 * 0002-0045 * 0009-0045-22 0003-0032C 0002-0038-5
637 Long Plains Road 993 Long Plains Rd
$1,290.41 $4,119.74 $1,876.38 $1,223.16 $1,015.17 $1,750.61 $6,516.24 $3,363.52 $2,290.02 $1,048.01 $1,455.09 $2,082.11 $472.72 $245.89
Meadow View Associates, Inc Hanf, Peter / Tow of Buxton
177 Old Orchard Road
$1,421.53 $1,421.53
$1,421.53 $1,421.53
Meikle, Jeffrey W Meikle, Scott M Morton, Philip A Moulton, Kenneth Moulton, Kenneth
29 Palmer Rd
Hanf, Peter / Town of Buxton
2009 Lien Receivables 177 Old Orchard Road
$1,421.53 $1,421.53
2009 L en R ceivables
345 Waterman Road
Address 2009 Lien Receivables
Rt 22
Map Lot
Map Lot
Total Due
Total Due
1069 Long Plains Road 352 Narragansett Tr 154 Chicopee Rd 53 Boynton Rd 97 Old Standish Rd Fountain Street
Palmer, Adam Perham, Morris Black, Ethel A HEIRS
474 Portland Road Address
Map Lot
Total Due
Black, Ethel A HEIRS
474 Portland Road
0009-0017 0010-0062B 0014-0003
0009-0017 0010-0062B 0014-0003
$1,099.89 $1,352.72 $1,040.41 $3,493.02
$1,099.89 $1,352.72 $1,040.41 $3,493.02
Pinkham, Russell B Hanf, Peter / Town of Buxton Turgeon, James R / Town of Buxton Black, Ethel A HEIRS
Hanf, Peter / Town of Buxton
177 Old Orchard Road
177 Old Orchard Road
Fountain Street 474 Portland Road 177 Old Orchard Road
0009-0017 0010-0062B 0014-0003
$1,099.89 $1,352.72 $1,040.41 $3,493.02
Ray, Sandra E. Reynolds, Louise Richardson, Kevin Roubo, Jeffrey J
Turgeon, James R / Tow of Buxton
Hanf, Peter / T wn of Buxton
523 River Rd
134 Cemetery Rd
Turgeon, James R / Town of Buxton
2010 Lien Receivables Fountain Street
* 0007-071J-1 2010 L en R ceivables Address 2010 Lien Receivables 0007-0031
146 Spruce Swamp Road W
Royal River Development Ryder, Cleveland Lawrence Rudy Sawyer Realty, LLC Nam
Webster Rd 59 Turkey Ln
$909.03 $554.19
Map Lot
Map Lot
Total Due
Total Due
651 Parker Farm Rd
Saco-Dayton, Inc Salevsky, Max A Seavey, Bradley A St. Pierre, Belinda D Black, Ehtel A HEIRS Emery, Henry D. HEIRS Hanf, Peter / Tow of Buxton Black, Ehtel A HEIRS Emery, Henry D. HEIRS Hanf, Peter / Town of Buxton Richardson, K vin / Town of Buxton Turgeon, James R / Town of Buxton Stover, Emilia G Sullivan, John L Swain, Hazel (Heirs) Richardson, Kevin / Tow of Buxton Turgeon, James R / Town of Buxton Name
Map Lot
Total Due
Rt 122
Black, Ehtel A HEIRS Emery, Henry D. HEIRS Hanf, Peter / Town of Buxton
474 Portland Rd
474 Portland Rd
0009-0017 0002-0021 0010-0062B 0002-0038-5 0014-0003
0009-0017 0002-0021 0010-0062B 0002-0038-5 0014-0003
$2,317.44 $4,520.37 $1,111.45 $1,071.73 $861.26 $9,882.25
$2,317.44 $4,520.37 $1,111.45 $1,071.73 $861.26 $9,882.25
148 Groveville Rd 22 Henry Hill Rd
$1,851.04 $1,017.37
380 Chicopee Road 177 Old Orchard Rd 134 Cemetery Rd
380 Chicopee Road 177 Old Orchard Rd 134 Cemetery Rd
474 Portland Rd
0009-0017 0002-0021 0010-0062B 0002-0038-5 0014-0003
$2,317.44 $4,520.37 $1,111.45 $1,071.73 $861.26 $9,882.25
Line Rd
$652.25 $37.91
Fountain St 177 Old Orchard Rd 134 Cemetery Rd 380 Chicopee Road
Richardson, Kevin / Town of Buxton Turgeon, James R / Tow of Buxton
134 Rankin Rd 4 Court Way
Fountain St
237 Cemetery Road
2011 Lien Receivables Fountain St
Swenson, Carole Thomas, Kevin Tourtillotte, Sandra Townsend, Erlon L Townsend, Erlon L
40 Albert Cir Atkinson Rd
0008-0024 * 0007-049H * 0009-0038 2011 Lien Receivables 2011 L en R ceivables Address
$658.82 $967.10 $651.76
141 Flaggy Meadow Rd
50 Pennell Road Portland Road Address
Map Lot
Map Lot
Total Due
Total Due
$1,291.01 $1,834.80 $2,351.37
Tracy, Russell Black, Ethel A. HEIRS Name
474 Portland Rd 309 Cemetery Rd Address
Map Lot
Total Due
* 0008-0045-6 * 0008-0045-10
45 Tracy Rd
Black, Ethel A. HEIRS
474 Portland Rd 309 Cemetery Rd 301 Cemetery Rd 380 Chicopee Rd 177 Old Orchard Rd 134 Cemetery Rd
Trunk, Wayne E Jr Turgeon, James R Crockett, Lewis HEIRS Emery, Henry D. HEIRS Hanf, Peter / Town of Buxton Black, Ethel A. HEIRS Crockett, Grace Crockett, Lewis HEIRS Emery, Henry D. HEIRS Hanf, Peter / Town of Buxton Richardson, Kevin / Town of Buxton Smith, Murray / Town of Buxton Turgeon, James R / Town of Buxton Turgeon, Normand C Jr. Veino, Mary, Giroux, Trudy Marier Warren, Marie L Heirs C/O Wescott, Shane West, Dorothy Zukatis, Philip A Crockett, Grace Richardson, K vin / Tow of Buxton Smith, Murray / Tow of Buxton Turgeon, James R / Town of Buxton Total Lien Receivables as of 6/30/2011
28 Meadow Brook
* 0002-0047 * 0002-0046
* 0002-0047 * 0002-0046 0009-0017
Crockett, Grace
Fountain St 244 Old Orchard Road 11 Old Thompson Rd 155 Hurlin Smith Road 301 Cemetery Rd 380 Chicopee Rd 134 Woodman Road 455 Long Plains Road 766 Long Plains Road Fountain St 42 Deer Run Dr.
474 Portland Rd 309 Cemetery Rd 301 Cemetery Rd 380 Chicopee Rd
Crockett, Lewis HEIRS Emery, Henry D. HEIRS Hanf, Peter / Town of Buxton
$1,192.35 $3,992.43
$1,192.35 $3,992.43 $736.07
* 0010-0044A * 0002-037A * 0018011B * 0009000514 * 0010-0091-1 * 0003-0049-1 * 0003-0077
$1,048.01 $2,492.46
* 0002-0047 * 0002-0046
0002-0021 0010-0062B 0002-0038-5 0003-0058 0014-0003
0002-0021 0010-0062B 0002-0038-5 0003-0058 0014-0003
177 Old Orchard Rd 134 Cemetery Rd
0002-0021 0010-0062B 0002-0038-5 0003-0058 0014-0003
$1,543.68 $3,159.47 $760.43 $14,395.50 $3,992.43 $977.87 $1,543.68 $3,159.47
York, Alma Turgeon, James R / Town of Buxton Richardson, Kevin / Town of Buxton Smith, Murray / Town of Buxton
$1,543.68 $3,159.47 $760.43 $14,395.50
$2,041.70 $2,077.73 $1,823.89
609 Long Plains Rd (617) 177 Old Orchard Rd
609 Long Plains Rd (617)
Fountain St 134 Cemetery Rd
$2,990.50 $125,443.30 $153,387.82
609 Long Plains Rd (617)
Fountain St
$760.43 $14,395.50
*Paid in full as of April 24, 2012
*Paid in full as of March 13, 2015
*Paid in full as of March 13, 2015
*Paid in full as of March 13, 2015
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