PUBLIC SAFETY Police, Dispatch & Animal Control
I, Michael S. Grovo, Chief of Police for the Town of Buxton, hereby submit the following Annual Report for the Buxton Police Department. Years 2013-2014 were very productive for the Police Department. Officers vigorously pursued law enforcement activities inside as well as outside the boundaries of Buxton. Calls for service were up 2.8% from the prior year. We handled approximately 17,714 calls for 2014. That is up slightly from 17,234 in 2013. I have attached a list of our calls on the following page.
We are actively pursuing grant money; the Department once again conducted OUI details which were funded by grant money and also the Click It or Ticket seatbelt grant which allows officers to get the message out to ensure seatbelts are being worn by occupants of motor vehicles. Department personnel continued with in-service training in all areas of law enforcement. Beyond the mandatory annual training required by the Maine Criminal Justice Academy to maintain an officer’s certification, the department participated in the following elective training classes: Child Passenger Safety Awareness, Dealing with Emotionally Disturbed Persons, Verbal Judo, Taser certification, Officer Survival, Drug Recognition training, Domestic Violence, Intoxilyzer Operator Certification, Emergency Vehicle Operation, New law updates, and Firearms training to name a few. The Department members logged several hours of dedicated in-service training. We are currently in a process to hire a newAnimal Control Officer. We hope to complete the process by the middle of April. Please remember to license your dog at the beginning of every year to avoid late fees, and please make sure to get your dog or cat their rabies vaccination. If you lose your pet please call 929-6612 and let us know, so if your pet is found we can notify you immediately. We have been working collaboratively with the MSAD 6 schools located within the Town of Buxton. Due to events that have occurred in other states, we want to make sure that the community, faculty and students are aware that we are proactive in providing them with the assurance of a safe learning environment. We have also been actively working with the community on organizing a Community Watch Group; with the intent of adding more groups throughout the community. Please contact us if you are interested in being involved in your neighborhood. Please remember our Community Cares Program. If you have a family member who is homebound or alone and you would like the Police Department to check in on them every morning, you may call to request the application from dispatch at 929-6612, or you may visit the Town’s website for a form.
Respectfully Submitted,
Michael S. Grovo Chief of Police
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