Article 9.
Shall the Town vote to change the zoning at the property location on Map 6, Lot
28, Parcel #0006-0028, Book 16858, Page 996 at 4 Pease Road, Buxton, Maine
04093 from Residential to Business/Commercial? (Additions are bold and
underlined, deletions are strikethrough). Planning Board Recommends.
Beginning at the southwest corner of Narragansett Trail (Route 202) and Pease
Road proceeding northeast along the south side of Narragansett Trail for a
distance of approximately 2,700 feet and a depth of 500 feet from the center line of
Narragansett Trail connecting to the existing Business/Commercial District.
This proposal includes property on Tax Map 6, Lots 28, 28-1, 28-3, 27 and 27A. It
also includes a portion of Lots 28-2, 29-3.
(The Planning Board recommends)
Article 10.
To see if the Town will vote to increase the property tax levy limit of $___________
established for the Town of Buxton by State law in the event that the municipal
budget approved under the following articles will result in a tax commitment that
is greater than that property tax levy limit.
Article 11.
Shall the Town vote to accept Crossing Brook Drive of the Fogg Brook Subdivision
(Map 9, Lot 15) as a Town road, presently a private road in the Town of Buxton.
Article 12.
To see what sum not to exceed $113,542.00 (One Hundred Thirteen Thousand Five
Hundred Forty Two Dollars) the Town will vote to appropriate for interest and
principal payments to the Maine Bond Bank for fiscal year 2015-2016.
Principal Due
Interest Due
$ 1,042.00
Interest Due
Requested $113,542.00
Selectmen Recommend $113,542.00
Yes 4 No 0 Absent 1
Budget Committee Recommends $113,542.00
Yes 7 No 0