Elected Officers, Appointed Officials, Town Employees, Boards, Committees, Commissions and Trustees (Cont.)
Town Committees Cemetery Committee Stephen E. Nichols (12/15) Chad E. Poitras (12/16) Vacancy Toy Box Committee Mia B. Dodge, Chair (12/15) Carolyn A. Snell (12/16) Carole S. Thompson (12/17) Keep the Heat on Committee Jean C. Harmon, Chair (12/17) Cheryl L. Emery (12/16) Gregory P. Heffernan (12/15) State Senator Senator Amy Volk Maine Senate District 30
Senator Linda Valentino Maine Senate District 31
3 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 1-800-423-6900 State Representatives Representative Donald G. Marean Maine Representative District 16 233 Bonny Eagle Road, Hollis, ME 04042 Residence Phone: 207-727-5527 State House Phone: 1-800-423-2900 Fax: 207-727-4993 Cell Phone: 207-653-8927 Email: Donald.Marean@legislature.maine.gov Representative Jonathan L. Kinney Maine Representative District 22 179 Beaver Berry Rd, Limington, ME 04049 Residence Phone: 207-637-2366 Business Phone: 207-637-3000 Email: Jonathan. Kinney@legislature.maine.gov State House Phone: 1-800-423-2900
3 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 1-800-423-6900
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